Četvrtak, 26 prosinca, 2024

Scholz se požalio na neodrživo stanje: U Njemačku dolazi previše izbjeglica

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“Trenutno je broj izbjeglica koje dolaze u Njemačku previsok”, rekao je Scholz u razgovoru za medijsku kuću RND. On smatra da je nedopustivo da većina izbjeglica do Njemačke dolazi bez da bude prethodno registrirana u nekoj od zemalja Europske unije.

“Definitivno stanje ne smije ostati kao do sada. Više od 70 posto izbjeglica koje dolaze u Njemačku prethodno nije registrirano iako su svi prošli kroz neku od zemalja EU-a”, rekao je Scholz.

Od mjera koje je savezna vlada do sada poduzela kako bi smanjila priljev izbjeglica Scholz je naveo “punu podršku” boljem osiguranja vanjskih granica EU-a te uvođenje kontrola šengenskih granica prema Švicarskoj i Češkoj.

Vlada je isto tako, kako je rekao Scholz, Gruziju i Moldaviju, iz koje dolazi značajan broj podnositelja zahtjeva za azilom, proglasila sigurnim zemljama što omogućava brzo vraćanje građana iz ovih zemalja u zemlje porijekla.

S Poljskom je također dogovoren stroži režim kontrole graničnog i pograničnog područja.

“Nadam se da će ove mjere doprinijeti smanjenju broj izbjeglica”, rekao je Scholz. On je predstavnicima gradova i općina, koji već mjesecima zvone na uzbunu zbog nedostatka smještajnih kapaciteta za novopridošle izbjeglice, obećao pomoć i najavio izvanredni sastanak na kojem bi se trebalo raspravljati o logističkim problemima smještaja.

Scholz je, unatoč razlikama u mišljenju unutar njegove koalicijske vlade sastavljene od socijaldemokrata, zelenih i liberala, rekao kako je njegova vlada potpuno jedinstvena u stavu da se neregularna migracija prema Europskoj uniji mora zaustaviti.

Predvodnik oporbe, predsjednik Kršćansko-demokratske unije Friedrich Merz, predložio je u subotu kancelaru Scholzu punu suradnju u rješavanju problema prevelikog broja izbjeglica.

“Sjednimo nakon 8. listopada za stol kako bismo brzo riješili ovaj problem koji muči Njemačku”, rekao je Merz aludirajući na izbore u saveznim pokrajinama Hessen i Bavarska sljedeće nedjelje.

U prvih osam mjeseci u Njemačkoj je azil zatražilo preko 200.000 osoba što je porast od preko 70 posto u usporedbi s istim razdobljem prošle godine.

Probleme koji nastaju sa smještajem i integracijom izbjeglica za sebe iskorištava desno populistička Alternativa za Njemačku koja se u ispitivanjima javnog mijenja na saveznoj razni ustalila kao druga po redu najjača stranka a u mnogim saveznim pokrajinama na istoku zemlje AfD uvjerljivo vodi.


Scholz complained about an unsustainable situation: Too many refugees are coming to Germany

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz joined the discussion on illegal migration to Germany on Saturday, stating that it is necessary to reduce the number of refugees.

“Currently, the number of refugees coming to Germany is too high,” Scholz said in an interview with the RND media outlet. He believes it is unacceptable that the majority of refugees come to Germany without being previously registered in any of the European Union countries.

“The current situation cannot continue as it is. More than 70 percent of refugees coming to Germany have not been registered even though they have all passed through one of the EU countries,” Scholz said.

Among the measures taken by the federal government to reduce the influx of refugees, Scholz mentioned “full support” for better securing the external borders of the EU and introducing controls at the Schengen borders with Switzerland and the Czech Republic.

The government has also, as Scholz stated, declared Georgia and Moldova, from which a significant number of asylum seekers come, as safe countries, allowing for the swift return of citizens from these countries to their countries of origin.

Stricter border and border area control measures have also been agreed with Poland.

“I hope that these measures will contribute to reducing the number of refugees,” Scholz said. He promised assistance to representatives of cities and municipalities, who have been sounding the alarm for months due to the lack of accommodation capacity for newly arrived refugees, and announced an extraordinary meeting to discuss logistical accommodation problems.

Despite differences of opinion within his coalition government composed of social democrats, greens, and liberals, Scholz said his government is completely united in the view that irregular migration to the European Union must be stopped.

The leader of the opposition, Christian Democratic Union President Friedrich Merz, proposed full cooperation to Chancellor Scholz in solving the problem of the excessive number of refugees on Saturday.

“Let’s sit down after October 8 to quickly resolve this problem that is troubling Germany,” Merz said, referring to the elections in the federal states of Hesse and Bavaria next week.

In the first eight months of this year, over 200,000 people applied for asylum in Germany, which is an increase of over 70 percent compared to the same period last year.

The problems that arise with the accommodation and integration of refugees are being exploited by the right-wing populist Alternative for Germany (AfD), which has established itself as the second-strongest party at the federal level in public opinion polls and leads convincingly in many federal states in the eastern part of the country.

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