Subota, 27 srpnja, 2024

In Foreign Language

European Diplomat in BiH: Symbolic role or key position?

The European Union recently appointed Luigi Soreca as the new Special Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina, succeeding Johann Sattler. While this appointment appears to be a significant step for the EU, it raises the question of how much impact...

She hid from the American public the “contribution” of the Bosnian Al Qaeda in the collapse of the WTC towers. Kimberly Cheatle should have...

Ravnateljica Tajne službe Kimberly Cheatle dala je ostavku nakon što se suočila s nezadovoljstvom i republikanaca i demokrata postupanjem Tajne službe u pokušaju atentata na bivšeg američkog predsjednika i kandidata republikanaca na izborima u studenom Donalda Trumpa. Cheatle je izjavila...

LUKA MODRIĆ: I feel the love from the people of Herzegovina, every day

Luka Modrić's Impactful Season at Zrinjski: A Turning Point in His Career Captain of the Croatian national team, Luka Modrić (38), stated that his first senior season, when he was on loan at Zrinjski Mostar, helped him advance in his...

Crook is a Victim of Media Propaganda and the Brutal Lynch of Trump: Who is the Real Assassin?

Crook, the would-be assassin of Trump, suffered from antisocial disorder, compensating for his isolation from peers with narcissistic behavior and a sense of false grandiosity. After the intense anti-Trump propaganda, where this isolated young man saw a chance to become...

MIGRANTENPARADIES: In den letzten fünfzehn Jahren hat sich die Anzahl der Moscheen in Österreich vervierfacht

  Natürlich, mein Lieber! Hier ist deine Übersetzung ins Deutsche: Die Anzahl der Moscheen oder Gebetshäuser kann als Indikator für den Fortschritt der Islamisierung in einem europäischen Land dienen. Allein in Wien gibt es derzeit so viele Moscheen, wie es vor fünfzehn...

Crook likely decided the presidential election. But not in the way he intended…

On the German portal FOKUS, psychologist and professor Dr. Florian Becker analyzes events in the USA: Dramatic Incident In the USA, a sniper opened fire on Donald Trump. During an election speech, bullets suddenly rained down on the former president. Images...

N1 reported that Trump was “injured in a shooting.” There is still no reaction from Mr. Pitiful, the US Ambassador to BiH.

If a Serbian or Croatian TV station (oh, a Croatian TV station in BiH, how grand that sounds) had downplayed the importance of this event, Murphy would have already reacted. Since N1 downplayed the event by claiming that Trump...

Crooks posted a video before the assassination attempt: “I hate Republicans, I hate Trump.”

Thomas Matthew Crooks, (22) identificiran je kao napadač koji je pokušao izvršiti atentat na bivšeg predsjednika SAD Donalda Trumpa. Prema informacijama iz policije, on je odranije poznat po ekstremnim stavovima i više puta je učestvovao u nasilnim incidentima i da...

Downplaying the Importance of an Assassination Attempt: The Responsibility of Media in Modern Society

Recent events surrounding the attempted assassination of President Trump have sparked numerous reactions and raised serious questions about the role and responsibility of the media. Specifically, the reporting by N1 television has caused concern among those who closely follow...

Slavoj Žižek: Assange is Free, But Are We?

For years, I have fought alongside Julian Assange and for him. When I heard that he was finally free, my first thought was that he was returning to a world that looks – and indeed is – much worse...

Latest News

NIKAD NE PRIZIVAJ: Kojović jučer rekao da želi umrijeti u Sarajevu, danas ga pretukao taksist. I to arapofob

Zastupnik u Parlamentu BiH i bivši predsjednik Naše stranke Predrag Kojović na svom X profilu opisao je neugodno iskustvo...
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