Nedjelja, 17 studenoga, 2024 Engages in Censorship to Protect a Man Who Shielded War Criminals for Two Decades: Will the State Prosecutor Respond?

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Is there any argument that gives the US Ambassador in Bosnia and Herzegovina the right to speak on behalf of the Bosnian Croats and define our interests after it was publicly revealed that he secretly acted against the interests of Croats, protecting the murderers of our people from prosecution? is well aware of who the exiled hero of our time, Julian Assange, is. As journalists, they should be in solidarity with this hero. Assange has disclosed from prison that Murphy personally requested the War Crimes Court in Bosnia and Herzegovina to grant immunity to Ćikotić, who is suspected of mass executions of civilians, Croats, in Bugojno in 1993, for that crime.

Instead of Index journalists putting pressure on the Croatian Prosecutor’s Office and the corrupt Turudić to prosecute Murphy when the corrupt Prosecutor’s Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina dares not, they convey his statements as the stance of America.

We remind you that immunity does not protect diplomats from these types of serious criminal acts of aiding war criminals.

America does not care where the administration of the Southern Interconnection will be. But Murphy does. Just as in the case of lobbying for Ćikotić’s freedom, he is also using this opportunity to blackmail Čović and abuse his position for a nice Muslim payoff.

Index claims to be involved in investigative journalism, yet they fail to stumble upon this article which clearly proves the colonial, dirty, and disgusting corruption of the current US Ambassador who abuses his position, visits prosecutors, and vetoes the prosecution of Muslim war criminals. And these are mass murderers.

Bugojno is more important to the Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina than the gas pipeline, and there is no Čović nor any Croat in Bosnia and Herzegovina whom the dirty jihadist whore Murphy can pressure to sign away the Croatian gas network to jihadists.

Mate Granić is no longer as powerful, and even his days are numbered.

We appeal to the editorial team of Index to stop being the corrector for the corrupt Murphy and to inform the Croatian public about who this extortionist really is and who writes his statements this time. Is it Mujo or Haso?

Simultaneously, they should contact the State Department and ask if it really matters whether the administration of the Croatian gas business is in Mostar or Sarajevo.

And we sincerely ask Murphy. You did not speak on behalf of the Croats when you lobbied to keep the murderers of Croats free. Be a man, respect our tragedy, our victims whose murderers you protected, our people of Petar Herceg, and leave our country as soon as possible.

Because the moment we become a state, you will no longer be able to leave. The law enforcement of our country will prevent you from doing so. That’s why Murphy does everything to keep this colony a colony.

And the jihadists cheer him on. They never cared whether Bosnia and Herzegovina would become a state.

Although censorship is constitutionally prohibited, Index does it openly. The last time they censored news about how their columnist became an ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina by falsifying her own CV and sending that forgery to the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Although this is a criminal act, Babić covered it up.

We don’t know which article of the Croatian Criminal Code addresses censorship, but if one exists, Index has just committed that crime. By publishing a censored article. And falsified. Because Murphy, the Muslim errand boy, a visibly corrupt person in the position of a colonialist, is certainly not America. If he is America, then he belongs to the America behind American bars.

The State Department may support Murphy’s rampage over the dignity of the people of Petar Herceg Tomich. But let them be assured. A camel will pass through the eye of a needle sooner than Murphy’s pipeline will cross Croatian fields and be registered in Muslim records.


Postoji ii iti jedan argument koji US ambasadoru u BIH daje za pravo govoriti u ime BH Hrvata i o tome što je naš interes nakon što je javno objavljeno da je tajno radio protiv interesa Hrvata, štiteći od kaznenog progona ubojice našeg naroda. itekako zna tko je prognani heroj našeg  vremena Juliean Assange. kao novinari morali bi se solidarizirati s tim herojem. Asaange je iz zatvora objavio podatak da je Murphey ,osobno tražio od Suda za ratne zločine u BIH da se CIkotiću, osumnjičenom za masovna pogubljenja civila , Hrvata u Bugojnu, 1993. osigura imunitet zbog tog zločina.

Umjesto da Indexovi novinari izvrše pritisak na Tužiteljstvo RH, na korumpiranog Turudića, da upravo on podigne optužnicu protiv Murpheya, kad to već ne smije korumpirano Tužiteljstvo u BIH , oni prenose njegovu izjavu kao stav Amerike.

Podsjećamo da imunitet ne štiti diplomate od ovakve vrste teških kaznenih djela pomaganja ratnim zločincima.

Americi je posve svejedno gdje će biti uprava Južne interkonekcije. No Murpheyu nije. On je kao i u slučaju lobiranja za CIkotićevu slobodu, i za ovaj posao ucjene Čovića i zloporabe funkcije dobio finu muslimanski paru.

Index se navodno bavi istraživačkim novinarstvom a nikako da nalete na ovaj članak koji jasno dokazuje kolonijalnu, prljavu, odvratnu korumpiranost trenutnog US ambasadora koji zloporabi svoju funkciju, obilazi Tužitelje i stavlja veto na progone muslimanskih ratnih zločinaca. I to masovnih.

Bugojno je Hrvatima u BIH važnije od plinovoda, i nema tog Čovića niti Hrvata u BIH kojeg prljavi džihadistički kurviš Murphey može stisnuti da da potpis, da hrvatska plinska mreža padne u ruke džihadistima.

Mate Granić više nije toliko moćan. A i njemu se sati broje.

Apeliramo na uredništvo Indexa da prestane biti koreketar korumpiranog Murpheya, i da informira javnost u hrvatskoj tko je zapravo to reketaško smeće te tko mu piše priopćenja ovaj put. Ja lli Mujo ili Haso.

Istovremeno neka kontaktiraju State Department i postave im pitanje je lim toliko bitno hoće li urpava hrvatskog plinskog biznisa biti u Mostaru ili Sarajevu.

A Murpheya usrdno molimo. Nisi govorio u ime Hrvata kad si lobirao da ubojice Hrvata ostanu na slobodi. Budi toliko čovjek, poštuj našu tragediju, naše žrtve čije si ubojice zaštitio, nas narod Petra Hercega, i gledaj što prije napustiti našu zemlju.

Jer u trenu kada postanemo država napustit ju više neće. Organi gonjenja naše države će ga u tome spriječiti. Zato Murphey sve čini da ova Kolonija ostane kolonija.

A džihadisti ga u tome bodre. Njima nikada i nije bilo bitno hoće li BIH postati država.

Iako je cenzura  Ustavom zabranjena Index ju čini javno. Zadnji put su cenzurirali vijest, o tome , kako je njihov kolumnistica, postala veleposlanica BIH tako što je lažirala vlastiti životopis i tu krivotvorinu poslala u Predsjedništvo BIH. Iako se radi o kaznenom djelu Babić ga je prikrio.

Ne znamo koji članak Kaznenog zakona RH tretira cenzuru ali ako taj postoji Index je to kazneno djelo upravo počinio. Objavom članka koji je cenzuriran. I krivotvoren. Jer Murphey, muslimanski potrčko, vidno korumpirana osoba na poziciji kolonijaliste, sigurno nije Amerika. Ako jeste Amerika onda pripada onoj Americi koja se nalazi iza američkih rešetaka. 

State Department može i podržati Murpheyevo divljanje nad dostojanstvom naroda Petra Hercega Tomicha. Al nek budu uvjereni. Prije će deva kroz iglene uši proći nego Murpheyev plinovod preko hrvatskih njiva koji bi potom bio uknjižen u muslimanske teftere.




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