Nedjelja, 22 prosinca, 2024

Who is Gert-Jan Koopman and why does the EU think we’re longing for it?

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  • The outgoing U.S. ambassador has stated that Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) will not join the EU in the next ten years.
  • BRICS nations have extended an invitation for BiH to join their group, and BiH is welcome there.
  • BiH citizens are largely unaware of who Gert-Jan Koopman is.
  • Dissatisfaction prevails regarding EU institutions’ treatment of BiH, particularly with EU interventions undermining the constitution and marginalizing the country’s ethnic groups.
  • There’s notable resentment toward the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), perceived as having approached wartime victims with racial bias.
  • No referendum has been conducted to ask BiH citizens whether they want to join the EU or accept Koopman’s authority.
  • BiH won’t face extinction if it doesn’t join the EU. If the EU shows no interest in BiH beyond decades of stagnation, other global partners are available. As the saying goes, “Whoever courts the bride first, wins her hand, Mr. Koopman.”

Gert-Jan Koopman’s Visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina

Gert-Jan Koopman, Director-General of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations, concluded his visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina with a strong appeal for key actors to expedite the finalization of the Reform Agenda.

Koopman emphasized that this is a prerequisite for unlocking the transformative potential of the Growth Plan, which could significantly enhance BiH’s economic and political integration with the European Union.

Meetings with BiH Leadership

During his visit, Koopman held meetings with the Chairwoman of the BiH Presidency, Željka Cvijanović, the Chairwoman of the Council of Ministers, Borjana Krišto, and members of the Working Group for the Growth Plan.

In these discussions, he highlighted the importance of resolving unresolved issues that are obstructing the finalization of the Reform Agenda. This, he stated, would enable BiH to access funding through the Reform and Growth Instrument.

“The Growth Plan has the potential to transform BiH’s economy and align it with European standards,” Koopman stressed, urging decision-makers to reach a swift consensus.

Constructive Atmosphere Amidst Challenges

The meetings reportedly took place in a constructive atmosphere, which Koopman sees as a solid foundation for further progress—provided there is sufficient political will.

“BiH has the opportunity to make significant strides on its European path, but success depends on the readiness of domestic authorities to agree on key reforms,” emphasized the EU Delegation in BiH.

A Chance for European Progress

This visit occurred less than three weeks after the release of the European Commission’s Report on Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition to the Growth Plan, discussions covered concrete steps BiH must take to ensure further progress toward EU membership.

Koopman’s call to action comes at a crucial moment for BiH, offering an opportunity to secure not only economic growth but also greater integration with the European Union—contingent on the alignment of political stakeholders.


Koopman pozvao da naučimo nove EU pojmove: Hitno, Reformska agenda, Plan rasta


  • Američki odlazeći ambasador dao je riječ da BIH neće ući u EU idućih deset godina
  • Zemlje BRICS-a nude BIH ulazak u to članstvo i dobrodošli smo tamo.
  • BH građani nemaju pojma tko je Koopman.
  • Nismo zadovoljni odnosom EU institucija prema nama u BIH posebno u dijelu gdje EU ruši naš ustav, puca u naše narode a naročito smo nezadovoljni učinkom kriminalnog Haaškog Tribunala koji je žrtvama rata pristupio na rasistički način.
  • Nitko  nas nije pitao želimo li u EU i želimo li da nam Koopman bude autoritet.
  • Nećemo izumrijeti ako ne uđemo u EU. Ako EU nema interes da nas primi mimo desetljeća mučenja, ima tko će. Tko prvi do cure cura njegova gospodine Koopman.

Gert-Jan Koopman, generalni direktor Direktorata Europske komisije za susjedstvo i pregovore o proširenju, zaključio je posjet Bosni i Hercegovini uz snažan apel ključnim akterima da ubrzaju finalizaciju Reformske agende.

Koopman je naglasio kako je to preduvjet za korištenje transformativnog potencijala Plana rasta, što bi značajno unaprijedilo ekonomsku i političku integraciju zemlje s Europskom unijom.

Sastanci s vrhom BiH

Tijekom posjeta, Koopman se sastao s predsjedavajućom Predsjedništva BiH Željkom Cvijanović, predsjedavajućom Vijeća ministara Borjanom Krišto te članovima Radne grupe za Plan rasta.

U tim je razgovorima istaknuo važnost rješavanja otvorenih pitanja koja koče finalizaciju Reformske agende, čime bi se BiH omogućilo da dobije sredstva iz Instrumenta za reformu i rast.

  • “Plan rasta ima potencijal da transformira ekonomiju BiH i uskladi je s europskim standardima,” naglasio je Koopman, pozivajući donositelje odluka na hitno usuglašavanje.

Konstruktivna atmosfera, ali izazovi ostaju

Sastanci su protekli u konstruktivnom tonu, što je, prema Koopmanu, solidna osnova za daljnje korake – ali pod uvjetom da postoji politička volja.

  • “BiH ima priliku ostvariti značajan napredak na svom europskom putu, no uspjeh ovisi o spremnosti domaćih vlasti da postignu dogovor o ključnim reformama,” istaknuto je iz Delegacije EU u BiH.

Šansa za europski napredak

Posjet je održan manje od tri tjedna nakon objave Izvještaja Europske komisije za Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Osim o Planu rasta, razgovaralo se i o konkretnim koracima koje BiH treba poduzeti kako bi osigurala daljnji napredak prema članstvu u EU.

Koopmanov poziv na akciju dolazi u ključnom trenutku za BiH, pružajući priliku da se, uz usuglašavanje političkih aktera, osigura ne samo ekonomski razvoj nego i veća integracija s Europskom unijom.


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