Subota, 8 ožujka, 2025

THE BUTCHER OF INTERNATIONAL LAW: What did Komsic say when he swore an oath to Bakir?

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Željko Komšić violates the Constitution of BiH in the eyes of the OHR and the US Embassy.

This is the text of the oath he made when he swore to Bakir that the entire term of 4 years abducted by the Croats he would usurp the BiH Constitution, violate the powers he was given, and ridicule the Dayton Agreement:

“I hereby swear that I will do my duty conscientiously, respect the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, implement the General Framework Agreement for Peace and its annexes in their entirety, protect and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms, and care for the interests and equality of all peoples and citizens.”

Željko Komšić does not perform his duty conscientiously. In fact he does the opposite. He does not respect the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina but violates and announces a further violation of that Constitution; he does not fully implement the General Framework Agreement for Peace and its Annexes.

For example, in the two terms of usurpation of the Constitution, he did not speak about the return of Croats and Serbs to Sarajevo, Konjic, Jablanica, or the hiding of criminals in Bugojno.

He works to violate human rights and fundamental freedoms by propagating a racist policy according to which rights in this country belong to one idea and one race, and obligations and the right to justice before a higher race, a lower race.

Komsic is not concerned with the interests and equality of all peoples and citizens, but through his actions he persistently advocates the subordination of the Croatian people in BiH.


Komsic is the unit of measurement of OHR racism. By supporting Komsic, the OHR and US embassie violate the General Framework Agreement for Peace and its annexes in their entirety.

The failure of the General Framework Agreement for Peace and its annexes in their entirety by the OHR and the US Embassy represents the end of international law.

The death of international law in BiH poses a far greater danger to the world than to BiH itself. If there is no international law, and if the guarantors of international law arbitrarily alter its logic, the world enters a space of complete chaos.

The chaos had already started from Sarajevo once. Chaos designers know that the Balkan satrapies and the narcissistic, small, hybrid leaders of the Balkans are the perfect place to test the new “challenges facing the international community.”

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