Četvrtak, 23 siječnja, 2025


Why Trump should refuse Biden’s Invitation to the White House?

Donald Trump, the perennial comeback figure of American politics, is once again poised to reenter the White House – but this time, under Biden’s invitation, not his own terms. As tradition would have it, Biden has invited Trump for...

MIOMIR ŽUŽUL: Hrvati trebaju početi pravno dokazivati da je Dayton narušen

Doajen hrvatske diplomacije Miomir Žužul bio je gost emisije ‘Fokus’ RTV HB. Žužul je iznio niz stavova o stanju u BiH, od toga da je Dayton narušen jer su jednom konstitutivnom narodu oteta zajamčena ustavna prava, do toga da...
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Al-Qaeda’s Lackey Dares to Preach to Croats? Sit Down, You Hypocritical Fool

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