Četvrtak, 6 veljače, 2025

On this day, the BBC published a post-apocalyptic video of a mother, “Bosniak woman with a son in her arms killed by Croats”. Everything in the video was wrong…

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The BBC is known as one of the world’s most reputable houses. They pay close attention to their reputation, but they never apologized for this news.

September 28, 1993, the so-called The BiH Army killed a 4-month-old Croat child in Vitez. Not even 28 years since the murder of four-month-old Ante Garić in Vitez, to this day, no one has been held accountable for this crime.

Although jihad strictly forbids such a thing as the random killing of children, units of the BiH Army shelled an infirmary in Vitez. The holy warriors under control of Šerif Patković, Bakir Izetbegović, and Rasim Delić fired a cannonade in the direction of the ambulance.

How decisive the blow was is shown by the fact that the shrapnel also killed a 4-month-old child in the next building.

Ante Garić’s mother takes the dead child and runs towards the same building that has just been shelled. It all speaks to the level of despair that reigns in her head at that moment.

But she, too, is just falling victim to propaganda warfare. A media sniper targets her—the camera of a reputable BBC.

A BBC journalist then asks the translator:

“Who is the woman who cries, who carries the child to the hospital”.

The local “truth-loving” translator, of course “, honestly explains” to him:

“Mother is Bosniak; HVO killed the child.”

And so on the BBC, it comes out on 29.9. 1993 report – video news in which viewers are told, “We just see a Bosniak mother running with her wounded child to the ambulance building, which the HVO has just shelled”.

The BBC has never apologized for this unintentional or intentional oversight.

Statistics of the effect of the shelling in Vitez, which the Hague Tribunal has never ruled as “excessive”:

  • According to the records of civilian victims of the war, Anto Garić was the youngest victim of Croatian nationality during the war in BiH from May 28, 1993-September 28, 1993.
  • In Vitez alone, Muslim criminals killed 37 Croat children, killing Zaim Tahirovic, a small Bosniak child. No one was held accountable for these crimes.
  • Only ten days before the murder of little Ante, criminals killed the girl Ivana Garić (16) in ABIH in Vitez.
  • During the war and the complete blockade of the Lašva Valley, which lasted 316 days, 653 Croats were killed or disappeared in Vitez.
  • Among the innocent victims were 38 children.
  • More than 2,000 soldiers and civilians were wounded, leaving 328 widows, 22 children without both and 431 children without one parent.
  • More than 30 villages and hamlets were burned and destroyed. To this day, no one from the top of the Bosniak government has been held accountable for these horrific massacres and persecution of the Croat population.


1. Antičević Boris (10), killed on June 10, 1993.
2. Josip Babić (17), killed on February 18, 1994.
3. Badrov Pero (18), killed on November 6, 1993.
4. Dario Baškarad (17), killed on September 30, 1993.
5. Mario Batinić (11), killed on March 5, 1994.
6. Bojanic Tomislav (15), killed on October 9, 1993.
7. Bralo Marko (8), killed on August 4, 1993.
8. Čečura Draženko (15), killed on 10 June 1993.
9. Damjanović Magdalena (17), killed on August 1, 1993.
10. Anto Garić, 4 months old, killed on September 28, 1993.
11. Ivana Garić (16) killed on September 18, 1993.
12. Garić Milan (12), killed on 10 June 1993.
13. Garic Sanja (17), killed on June 10, 1993.
14. Grbavac Danijel, one year old, killed on January 9, 1994.
15. Grebenar Augustina (8), killed on June 10, 1993.
16. Grebenar Velimir (12), killed on June 10, 1993.
17. Jelic Bruno Vitez (14), killed on September 6, 1994.
18. Jurisic Zoran (17), killed on December 30, 1993. ,,
19. Križanović Sanja (15), killed on 10 June 1993.
20. Igor Livančić (17), killed on October 10, 1993,
21. Matic Branka (18), killed on 25 December 1993,
22. Milić Ranko (17), killed on October 30, 1993. ,,
23. Omeragic Vlatka (16), killed on January 14, 1994.
24. Ramljak Dragan (15), killed on June 10, 1993.
25. Ramljak Zoran (16), killed on April 20, 1993.
26. Stojak Zarko (17), killed on September 5, 1993.
27. Santic Marin (15), killed on September 16, 1994.
28. Shapina Anto (17), killed on October 12, 1993.
29. Saric Dragan (17), killed on March 23, 1993.
30. Strbac Ivica (13), killed on 19 December 1993.
31. Strbac Zvjezdana (10), killed on September 11, 1993.
32. Ranko Toljusic (17), killed on October 30, 1993.
33. Anton Vidović (17), killed on October 24, 1993.
34. Vidović Dalibor (17), killed on 16 December 1993.
35. Dragan Žuljević (18), killed on 14 October 1993.
36. Allen Tibold (16), killed on June 26, 1993.
37. Zaim Tahirović (14), killed on 23 January 1994.
38. Josip Turić (7), killed on 18 August 1993.


As we see, the BBC could have reported the truth. And that Army indeed killed a Bosniak child. Namely, among the children of Vitez killed by the Army of BiH, there are also small Bosniaks.
The desire for ethnic cleansing of the area was more potent than the minds of the grenadiers. Holy bombers.
They were ruthless towards the children of Bosniaks and Muslim Bosniak families who remained living among the Croats and did not want to leave the targeted areas of conquest.

photo: Monument from Hiroshima

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