Srijeda, 23 listopada, 2024

Kopenhagen: Gay bar zabranio ljubljenje strejt-parovima


GayBarGay bar Never Mind iz Kopenhagena zabranio je heteroseksualnim parovima da se ljube dok su ondje. Vlasnik bara Christian Carlsen, odjekujući slične argumente homofoba, rekao je ovako: “Mi očito imamo puno gostiju koji nisu homoseksualci i to je u redu, sve dok imaju na pameti da je ovo gay bar. Gayevi ne mogu ići na tako puno mjesta da se upoznaju”.


A Danish gay bar has sparked international debate after reportedly banning all heterosexual couples from kissing while visiting.

As Pink News and other LGBT sites are reporting, the founder of the Denmark-based lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) advocacy group Homosocialt Fællesskab claims a bouncer at Copenhagen’s Never Mind bar told a woman in his party she could not kiss her boyfriend.

“The bouncer replied that it was unacceptable to conduct in that kind of behavior at a gay place and that Never Mind receives a lot of emails from its gay guests concerning the high number of straight guests that visit the bar,” Jobbe Joller is quoted as saying. “I asked him if it was not the same as saying that black people are not allowed to kiss in Never Mind, but he disagreed and told me that the owner of Never Mind may decide who can kiss and who can’t kiss in the bar.”

He then added: “I told him in a very serious tone that what they had going on was sick, and that LGBT people across Denmark struggled for acceptance and equal rights for all, while Never Mind fought against it.”

Never Mind’s owner told the Copenhagen Post that he didn’t see the “big problem” in his establishment’s policy. “I know that we need equal rights, but this is a gay bar,” Christian Carlsen is quoted as saying. “We obviously have a lot of guests who aren’t homosexuals and that’s fine as long as they understand that this is a gay bar. The gays can’t go to so many other places to meet each other.”

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