What connects the Croats of Bugojno, Travnik, Grabovica, the Serbs of Ozren, and the American citizens who died on 9/11?
They are connected by familiar names and the origins of their killers. They were all killed by KSM soldiers. It is an acronym for the person who was the mastermind of Operation 9/11, which received BH papers in BiH in November 1995.
The El Mujahid detachment was killing in Bugojno city too. Šefik Džaferović later lobbied for their bosnian citizenship.
We are still waiting for the answer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as to whether “our president” lobbied for the head of the WTC attack operation to obtain a BH passport.
Waiting in BiH is something you have to get used to.
But let’s ask ourselves the following, would it ever occur to Šefik Džaferović to mock the victims of the attack on the WTC, and American families, the way he mocked the victims of the massacre in Bugojno yesterday?
And how would the US Embassy react in that case?
Surviving the few remaining and humiliated Croats of Bugojno is probably part of the new policy of the SDA Declaration. The republic created on Takbir, I guess, means digging wounds for families whose place of the pit where their fathers and mothers are buried, you don’t want to tell.
At the same time, the same policy of the Tekbir Republic implies, I guess, three lines of military security around the US ambassador while He is on the simplest LGTB pride In Sarajevo.
Because let’s not fuck around, you know, all of us in “merhamets” still know very well, no matter how much we talk about civic values in the SDA, what are the values Mr. KSM planted in SDA.