Subota, 20 travnja, 2024

SOMEONE VERY RICH PAYS CENSORSHIP IN CROATIA: Why doesn’t the RTL post about the attackers on the WTC say anything about their connections with the Izetbegović family?

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“Faces of Evil: These are suicide bombers who have irreversibly changed the course of American and world history,” reads an auxiliary headline on that provides an overview of all those involved in the genocide of 3,000 US citizens on the September 11, 2001 attack.

Can we imagine that 4 of the attackers had anything to do with the top of the Serbian army, Slobodan Milosevic and that RTL kept quiet about it?

No, let’s ask the question like this: Can we imagine that 4 out of 12 attackers had close contacts in the war with Franjo Tudjman and that Tudjman forged them into heroes without RTL keeping quiet about it?

However, it is entirely normal in Croatia today to live with the fact that 4 out of 12 attackers had close relations with Šefik Džaferović, Alija and Bakir Izetbegović, Minister of Foreign Affairs Biser Turković, without being exciting information for the Croatian media.

6,000 killed Croats, some of whom are people from the Vukovar battlefield, are not enough arguments for damned Croatia to force her damn treacherous media to reveal the truth to Croats in Croatia:

The soldiers of Šefik Džaferović, who pretended to be a peacemaker in Vukovar the other day, killed not only Croats and Serbs but also Americans. One a whole Srebrenica of Americans.

Damn, Croatia, the disappearing state, is ashamed of its people and flatters terrorist groups?

It looks like “yes.”

What is Croatia, the average reader will ask when he reads this text? It is a country next to BIH Monty Dayton state, which charges your uncle, who died defending her back and cozy mood in Dalmatia, a 20,000 kuna fine for 20 dkg of prosciutto he brings to his relatives in that same damn “Perecija”.

By the way, the political patrons of these attackers in the picture, are the mafia clan Izetbegović, the leaders of the only terrorist party in the EU, whom the OHR cowards are afraid of because they are not allowed to impose sanctions.

And we should live with such guys? And the silence of SDA FTV, BHRT, and generally Bosniak media about the role of the Army of BiH in the overthrow of the Twins should be accepted as the official material of a new modern “civic” BIH?

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1 year ago

Jao engleskog 🤣🤣🤣 jao jao

Bruce Lee 🐉🐲
Bruce Lee 🐉🐲
Reply to  SafetPsychoSaralija
1 year ago

Engleziću ,jesu ti se dopale ove đaferbegove stjuardese hostese tebe ovakve nakarade terorstčke djevice čekaju na redaljku u đžehenetu i Adil je neizostavan , šejtan vas odnio sve skupa sa šerijatskim i islamskim zakonim kmee 🖕

Last edited 1 year ago by Bruce Lee 🐉🐲
Reply to  Bruce Lee 🐉🐲
1 year ago

Bruce,bi li ti volio da si dalabu ili da Bog do nisi?😉
Reci nam iskren bez uvijanja.
A volio bih te sresti tako hrabra pa da ti glavu otkinem ko horozu pseto jedno

1 year ago

Hahahahahahha,ovo je ocita nemoc i ocaj.Pisi ghluposti koje kakve i to koristeci google translate.

1 year ago

Bit nije u pravopisu nego u napisanom.
Tko je htio razumiti on je razumio!
Tako i tako kada se prevede na “bošnjački”
svaka komentar se drugačije prevede,razumije.
Baš kao i zaključsci europske pučke stranke!
Imate puno teškoća u prevodu na bošnjački jezik,
onako kako ćaršija voli!

1 year ago

Ništa nisam razumio. Pitaj psihijatra da malo agresivniju terapiju isproba.

Reply to  Hrvoje
1 year ago

Pa kad si g.l.u.p.Svi razumjeli moj adise samo ti nisi .

1 year ago

I eto države koje član predsjedništva..


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