Srijeda, 8 siječnja, 2025

FOTO Dvije godine fotkao životinje koje bi uskoro mogle izumrijeti, rezultat slama srca

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NAGRAĐIVANI britanski fotograf Tim Flach dvije godine proveo je u staništima ugroženih životinja te dokumentirao njihove krhke egzistencije.

Rezultat njegovog rada intiman je i rijedak pogled u živote ugroženih vrsta koji je ujedno i dobar podsjetnik na sve ono što bi se trebali bojati da ne izgubimo.

The Crowned Sifaka : Endangered. These animals have an exuberantly sideways pogo with arms flung high for balance.
Unfortunately their homes in the tall Madagascan trees are being destroyed and they only survive in micro pockets.  @IUCNRedList

Od vrsta s kojima smo svi upoznati, poput polarnog medvjeda ili snježnog leoparda, do egzotičnih stvorenja kojih je svakim danom sve manje, Flach je predstavio širok spektar biološke raznolikosti.

The Blue Throated Macaw is on the brink, with around 250 mature pairs left in the wild. But, pet trade exports are largely eradicated and local land owners are supporting initiatives to encourage the birds to thrive again@IUCNRedList Status: Critically Endangered @BirdLife_News

Njegova izložba “Endarged”, ali i istoimena fotoknjiga, naišla je samo na pohvale.

Photo District News


“Endangered,” @timflach’s book of photos of endangered species, published by @abramsbooks, in one of our Notable Photo Books of 2017: 

Fotografije iz nje Flach povremeno objavljuje na Twitteru, gdje pratiteljima približava i jedinstvene izazove s kojima se svaka životinja suočava kako bi preživjela. Primjerice, sajga antilopa, koja je preživjela i ledeno doba, danas je kritično ugrožena.

The Saiga Antelope is relatively unknown and would look right at home in the  from @starwars! They are in fact found on the Eurasian Steppe and sadly listed as Critically Endangered on the @IUCNRedList  @SaigaCA 

Neke vrste na rubu izumiranja tako su zbog uništavanja staništa, druge je prorijedio krivolov i prodaja na crnom tržištu dok se neke bori s još jezivijim iskušenjima.

 is one of the most endangered big cats, its mountain territories shrinking due to farming & climate change with an average of 4 killed every week since 08. Around 4 to 7,000 remain in the wild – : Endangered   @IUCN

The Shoebill is a large stork like bird that spends its time foraging for fish in East African swampland. As a result of habitat distraction this magnificent bird is considered Vulnerable on the    

Common Hippopotamus | : Vulnerable | Eradicating the ivory trade will be a tall challenge. Hippo teeth are highly sought after but until the law is enforced on the ground, Hippo fortunes will continue to founder.  

One of the rarest primates in the world, the curious and sociable pied tamarin is on the brink of extinction 

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