Četvrtak, 26 prosinca, 2024

Dodik poručio mladima da ostanu u Republici Srpskoj: Plaća od 2.500 eura vas tamo zarobi. Ovdje se bolje živi!

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Predsjednik Republike Srpske Milorad Dodik je na završnoj panel-diskusiji u okviru “Sabora mladih Srpske” na Jahorini rekao da mladi moraju biti svjesni napora države koja konstantno ulaže u njihovo obrazovanje, sport i usavršavanje, te da se nakon školovanja odluče da ostanu i rade u RS.

On je istakao da nigdje nema boljih uvjeta za život nego u RS. Dodao je da mladi treba da koncipiraju mjere kako bi im život bio bolji i još kvalitetniji, ali da to budu mjere u skladu s mogućnostima.

“Mi kao društvo treba da posložimo prioritete. Prioriteti se moraju preusmjeriti na pravu stranu i vi mladi treba jasnije da govorite o tome.

Treba da se školujete da biste sutra imali koristi od toga, a ne samo da bi završili fakultet i otišli negdje”, rekao je Dodik.

Govoreći o odlukama mladih da žive i rade u nekoj drugoj zemlji, on je ukazao na poražavajuću činjenicu da djeca nemaju mogućnost ni da pohađaju školu na maternjem jeziku, prenosi Raport.ba.

“Plaća od 2.500 eura vas tamo zarobi i nemate života. Ta plata je, uz sve troškove tamo, bezvrijedna”, rekao je Dodik.

On je poručio mladima da probaju život i negdje drugo, ali da ne dozvole da postanu robovi i da budu svjesni odgovornosti prema matičnoj zemlji.

“Danas kada prošetate Banja Lukom ili Istočnim Sarajevom i tamo nekim prosječnim gradom, vidjet ćete da se ovdje mnogo bolje živi, bolji automobili se voze”, rekao je Dodik.

Naveo je podatak da su u RS 83 posto stanovnika vlasnici nekretnine.

Title: National Identity of the Youth – Key to the Development of Republika Srpska Date: September 3, 2023

The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, stated that strengthening the national identity of young people is the foundation for the development of Republika Srpska and that social responsibility in Republika Srpska is greater than in any Western country.

During the concluding panel discussion of the “Youth Assembly of Republika Srpska” held in Jahorina, Dodik emphasized that young people must be aware of the efforts made by the state, which consistently invests in their education, sports, and improvement. He encouraged them to choose to stay and work in Republika Srpska after their education.

Dodik pointed out that there are no better living conditions anywhere else than in Republika Srpska and urged young people to come up with measures to improve their lives, making them more prosperous and of higher quality, but these measures should align with the available resources.

“As a society, we need to set priorities. These priorities must be redirected in the right direction, and you, the young people, need to speak more clearly about this. You should educate yourselves so that you can benefit from it in the future, not just to finish your education and leave somewhere,” Dodik stated.

He mentioned that the topic of young people’s lives is a recurring theme for every generation and emphasized that this forum should become a lasting one, with an analysis of the conclusions to see what can be done to realize them.

“There are ways to improve relationships, and through a new rebalancing and a new budget, we will take into account the implementation of the conclusions,” Dodik said.

He stressed that the most important thing is to implement the conclusion related to raising the awareness of young people about national identity.

“Everything we do, like increasing scholarships, is useless if that student, once they complete their education, leaves. Nobody asks how much education, improvement, or investment in sports costs,” Dodik explained.

He mentioned that sometimes young people’s expectations are higher than realistic possibilities.

“Education is crucial, and we need to talk about it. You must not miss the moment for global improvement, but you should utilize that global moment here, not go somewhere else,” Dodik advised.

Dodik emphasized the importance of empowering young people for self-employment.

He also noted that conditions for housing young people in Republika Srpska are more favorable than in any Western country.

“Nowhere else can you get a credit and buy an apartment and become its owner in 10 years like here. The state in the West will not stimulate you to buy an apartment,” Dodik said.

He mentioned that municipal services in Republika Srpska are also more affordable than in any other country.

“When you reach all those obligations there, and you can’t afford to pay utilities, then you look for another job, and there’s no time left for family or social life,” Dodik stated.

Regarding the decisions of young people to live and work in another country, he pointed out the disheartening fact that children don’t even have the opportunity to attend school in their native language.

“A salary of 2,500 euros in those countries enslaves you, and you have no life. With all the costs there, that salary is worthless,” Dodik explained.

He urged young people to try living somewhere else but not allow themselves to become slaves and to be aware of their responsibilities to their home country.

“Today, when you walk around Banja Luka or East Sarajevo and some average town, you will see that life here is much better; better cars are being driven,” Dodik said, adding that 83 percent of Republika Srpska residents own real estate.

He emphasized that only through unity and safeguarding their homeland can they face all the challenges that lie ahead.

“These times are tough, and they will get even tougher. No one knows how the world will be shaped. If you allow a foreigner to dictate to you and accept that a foreigner imposes laws on you, what kind of country are we living in? A foreigner cannot come and impose anything on us,” Dodik warned.

He pointed out that it pains him to think that he lives among people who are ready to accept that a foreigner dictates to them.

“Their stories that all they care about is seeing me in court and that they will find a Muslim judge to listen to them every day—I don’t understand how you can accept a foreigner imposing anything on you,” Dodik said.

He stated that the essence of Republika Srpska must be understood and emphasized that Republika Srpska is not a puppet country.

“I want the BiH Parliament—whatever it is—to pass laws, not someone else coming and imposing them. This takes us 500 years back,” Dodik noted.

Dodik expressed his support for the conclusion that professionalizing student work is needed. Regarding the safety of young people in Republika Srpska, he emphasized that upbringing in the family is of utmost importance.

He reiterated that Republika Srpska is a good place to live.

“A society that has invested in you expects you to return that investment, not to be selfish and say that you don’t care. Never allow a foreigner to lecture you. We love Republika Srpska!” Dodik concluded.

He pointed out that the concept of BiH is aimed at presenting Republika Srpska as unconstitutional, highlighting that as the President, he will always fight for Republika Srpska and its people.

“What makes some ambassador more knowledgeable than you, who have studied here? To them, you are just a profitable calculation. That’s why they don’t like Dodik when he defends Republika Srpska,” Dodik concluded, warning young people that they will face significant challenges in the future.

He reiterated that young people must fight for their collectivity.

“Your collective must be defended as much as they attack it. Dodik and /Prime Minister of Republika Srpska Radovan/ Višković will complete their mandates, but you have your lives here. It’s impossible to isolate yourself, but you can create distance. Hold onto our nation, identity, and culture,” Dodik urged.

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