Petak, 18 listopada, 2024

A small plane flying from Zagreb crashed in Austria, casualties reported


SALZBURG – Four people have died in Austria after a light aircraft that took off from Zagreb crashed, according to the Salzburg24 portal.

The plane was supposed to land in Salzburg, and the cause of the crash is still unknown, the police announced.

The accident happened in the district of Linxing, deep within the forest on steep and impassable terrain.

The small plane, a Cirrus SR-20, took off from Zagreb, and it is assumed that it encountered some yet unexplained issues that led to the crash sometime after 3 PM.

Constant rain and steep terrain complicated the search, which lasted well into the night. The rescue operation involved an emergency helicopter, a doctor, and three Red Cross rescue vehicles, as well as firefighters, mountain rescue services, and the police. The police and aviation experts are investigating the wreckage to determine the cause of the accident.

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