Islamskom Republikom Iranom od kraja siječnja širi se novi oblik prosvjeda. Žene na javnim mjestima skidaju svoje marame-hidžabe, vješaju ih na štap, dižu u vis i tako mirno čekaju da po njih dođe vjerska policija.
U prosvjedu su im se počeli pridruživati i muškarci. Privedeno je tridesetak žena i to zbog, kako je priopćila teheranska policija, “narušavanja javne sigurnosti”, prenosi HRT.
A growing number of women are removing their mandatory head scarves & waving them on the streets of Tehran: a courageous symbol of civil protest against the hijab; forced on women in Iran for decades. Six women so far and it seems they're just starting! #دختران_خیابان_انقلاب
— Omid Memarian (@Omid_M) January 29, 2018
Women across Iran have been removing their headscarves in public to protest the country's strict Islamic dress code.
— CNN International (@cnni) February 2, 2018
Iran arrests 29 women for not wearing hijab in protest of law
— Al Jazeera English (@AJEnglish) February 2, 2018