Ponedjeljak, 3 veljače, 2025

“My obligation is to respect the Dayton Agreement, not to please the British”

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BANJA LUKA – The President of the Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, stated that his duty is to respect the Constitution and the Dayton Peace Agreement, rather than trying to please the British.

Dodik called on British officials to return to the Dayton Agreement, which they persistently violate by calling on Republika Srpska to respect it.

“When, on the anniversary of the NATO bombing, the former air force commander of those forces, Stuart Peach, speaks and warns that my constitutional behavior will have consequences, it is impossible not to wonder what Peach is threatening,” Dodik told Srna when asked to comment on Peach’s statement that the “actions of the President of Republika Srpska are illegal and unconstitutional” and that they will have “inevitable consequences.”

Dodik emphasized that rattling weapons is not his style, although he understands that it is in Peach’s style, but in his role as a “promoter of democracy,” he does not agree with it.

Moja obaveza je poštivati Daytonski sporazum, a ne udovoljavati Britancima

BANJA LUKA – Predsjednik Republike Srpske, Milorad Dodik, izjavio je da je njegova dužnost poštovati Ustav i Daytonski mirovni sporazum, umjesto da pokušava udovoljiti Britancima.

Dodik je pozvao britanske dužnosnike da se vrate Daytonskom sporazumu, koji uporno krše pozivajući Republiku Srpsku da ga poštuje.

“Kada se, na godišnjicu NATO bombardiranja, bivši zapovjednik zračnih snaga tih snaga, Stuart Peach, obrati i upozori da će moje ustavno ponašanje imati posljedice, nemoguće je ne pitati se čime Peach prijeti”, rekao je Dodik za Srnu kad su ga pitali da komentira Peachovu izjavu da su “akcije predsjednika Republike Srpske nelegalne i neustavne” i da će imati “neizbježne posljedice”.

Dodik je naglasio da trešnja oružjem nije njegov stil, iako razumije da je to Peachov stil, ali u svojoj ulozi “promicatelja demokracije” s tim se ne slaže.

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