Ponedjeljak, 28 listopada, 2024

Edo Maajka has spoken about his struggle with panic attacks: “I come across as arrogant. They invite me for an interview, but I can’t do it.”

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Edo Maajka spoke about his struggles with panic attacks that he has been dealing with for years. He says that his triggers are public appearances, and when he appeared on Aleksandar Stanković’s show “Nedjeljom u 2,” the host and musician recognized in each other that they were dealing with similar struggles. That’s why Stanković gave Edi the opportunity to read his book “Depra” and invited him to speak at the book promotion event.

“During the first five, ten minutes with Ace, it was terrible. In those minutes, which subjectively feel like an eternity, I lose myself, but if I survive the first attack, I can continue. I become more relaxed. Those moments Aco described in the book excellently: you shut down, you lose your footing,” Edo said to Telegram.

“I freeze up, journalists ask me for interviews that would promote my songs, and I simply can’t. Then I postpone, withdraw, hoping that the call will miraculously disappear or that the interviewer will give up. I’ve turned down some interviews and TV appearances, and there are people who have resented me, not understanding that it’s the truth when I say: I’m sorry, I can’t, I simply can’t. They get angry with you and interpret it as arrogance,” he added.

“Onstage, I’m mobile, when I rap, I focus on the lyrics, and if anxiety hits me, it disappears very quickly. Because it’s extremely physical, almost mechanical, you’re expelling everything from yourself. If I had to sing some complicated and demanding melodies, I probably wouldn’t succeed,” he said.

“I’m not led anywhere by medication.” He also revealed that he was on medication for a while. “I realized that medication doesn’t lead me anywhere. The problem is that psychotherapists have their templates. They assess you, say ‘that’s it, and for that, you need these pills.’ But with panic attacks, pills are just a waste of time because you have to figure out what the hell is wrong with you and try to change your habits,” he believes.

Today, he tries to use his experience to help others, as reported by Index.hr.

“In general, there are people who are emotional and experience everything more intensely than others, regardless of their financial or social status. I simply sense such people. When I recognize that in young people, I let them know that it’s okay to feel the way they do,” he says, adding that he thinks social media has significantly worsened the situation.

“When Alice asks where she can find someone normal, the cat tells her that there are no normal people anywhere. Everyone is so different and unlike each other. And, in my opinion, that’s normal,” Edo concluded for Telegram.


Edo Maajka progovorio je o napadajima panike s kojima se bori godinama. Okidači su mu, kaže, javni nastupi, a kad je gostovao kod Aleksandra Stankovića u Nedjeljom u 2, voditelj i glazbenik prepoznali su jedan u drugom da se bore sa sličnim mukama. Zato je Stanković upravo Edi među prvim dao da pročita njegovu knjigu Depra, ali i pozvao ga da govori na promociji.

“Kod Ace mi je prvih pet, deset minuta razgovora bilo užasno. U tim se minutama, koje subjektivno traju vječnost, gubim, ali ako preživim prvi napad, mogu dalje. Opušteniji sam. Te je trenutke Aco u knjizi izvrsno opisao: gasiš se, gubiš tlo pod nogama”, rekao je Edo za Telegram.

“Ispadnem š***k, novinari me traže intervju koji će koristiti promociji mojih pjesama, a ja jednostavno ne mogu. Onda odgađam, povlačim se, nadam se da će poziv nekim čudom nestati ili da će sugovornik odustati. Neke sam intervjue i TV nastupe odbio i ima ljudi koji su mi zamjerili, ne razumjevši da je istina kad kažem: oprostite, ne mogu, jednostavno, ne mogu ja to. Naljute se na tebe i protumače to kao bahatost”, dodao je.

“Na stageu sam mobilan, kad repam, fokusiram se na tekst i, ako me primi tjeskoba, izgubi se vrlo brzo. Jer je to izuzetno fizički, gotovo mehanički ispucavaš sve iz sebe. Da moram pjevati neke komplicirane i zahtjevne melodije, vjerojatno ne bih uspio”, kaže.

“Mene lijekovi ne vode nikuda”

Otkrio je i da je jedno vrijeme bio na tabletama. “Shvatio sam da mene lijekovi ne vode nikuda. Problem je što psihoterapeuti imaju svoje šablone. Procijeni te, kaže ‘to je to, a za to su ove tablete’. Ali kod napadaja panike tablete su samo trošenje vremena jer moraš skontati koji ti je vrag i pokušati promijeniti navike”, smatra on.

Danas svoje iskustvo pokušava koristiti tako da pomaže drugima, piše Index.hr.

“Generalno postoje ljudi koji su emotivci i koji sve stvari doživljavaju intenzivnije nego ostali, bez obzira na to kakav im je financijski ili društveni status. Jednostavno, namirišem takve ljude. Kad prepoznam to kod mladih ljudi, dam im do znanja da je to kako se osjećaju OK”, kaže i dodaje da misli da su društvene mreže poprilično pogoršale stanje.

“Kada Alisa pita gdje može naći nekog normalnog, mačka joj odgovara da nigdje nema normalnih. Svi su tako različiti i nenalik jedan drugome. I to je po meni normalno”, zaključio je Edo za Telegram./HMS/

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