Četvrtak, 18 travnja, 2024

Dzaferovic: Orban will not save Dodik

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Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is trying to “save his political ally” BiH Presidency member Milorad Dodik to maintain his influence in the region, Dodik’s colleague in the tripartite BiH Presidency, Šefik Džaferović, said according to N1.

Dodik is a Serb, and Džaferović is a Bosniak member in the Presidency.

“By saving Dodik, Orbán wants to save his political ally through whom he exerts influence in this part of Europe. But I think that neither Orbán nor Dodik can overcome the forces that see Europe as a continent of liberal democracy and rule of law, where court rulings will be respected and where no one will be discriminated against because of their identity,” Džaferović said.

Orbán was in December in Banja Luka meeting Dodik and then promised to come to Sarajevo this month. Džaferović confirmed no request for a meeting yet.

Džaferović also spoke about the law banning genocide denial, which the former international administrator in the country, Valentin Inzko, imposed in July 2021. Bosnian Serb political leadership strongly opposes the law, which Dodik presented as the main reason behind his campaign of withdrawing the RS from state institutions.

Christian Schmidt, the new High Representative, offered to annul Inzko’s decision if BiH’s Parliament adopts such a law itself that will be in line with European and international standards. “We should not forget that Inzko’s law sanctions the denial of all judicially established crimes, including crimes against Serbs and other peoples,” Džaferović stressed.

(Željko Trkanjec | EURACTIV.hr)

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2 years ago

Kada sponzor muzahedina govori o liberalnim vrijednostima Europe. Naprosto ti dodje da povratis od te demagogije. Ali po nasim ” prijateljima” u Europi islam je religija mira sve do trenutka kada to ne bude. 🙂

Reply to  Krstaš
2 years ago

Ha ha… Slažem se.

Reply to  Krstaš
2 years ago

Podsjetimo: SDA je jedina proteroristička stranka u Europi, izdali su BH pasoš Bin Ladenu, obučili su 6 napadača na WTC, dali su 3 čovjeka na US crne liste, uporno kriju ubojicu Leutara, tri puta su nametnuli za predstavnika Hrvatima čovjeka koji je u ratu ubijao Hrvate, i u foto finišu, kad su svi snovi o daljnjoj majorizaciji ono preostalih Hrvata koje nisu uspjeli protjerati i poubijati, kažu: “treba povećati šanse Hrvatima, da sami sebi izaberu predsjednika”.

2 years ago

Zemljo otvori se. Fuj. Bilmez.

2 years ago

A što neko mora sačuvati dodika. Legalno izabran, izabrao ga srpski narod i gotovo. Nije dodo ko ti kojeg je kakir postavio da mu odrađuješ prljave poslove

Reply to  Octar
2 years ago

Usput kažu da ti bubhaaš bisericu. Jel istina, đavke?

Šaćir soros
Šaćir soros
2 years ago

Polahko DŽAFER beže ne srljaj…napraviti ćemo mi munaru u Pecuhu…naš objekat stoji..nisu Madjari Orban tj Orhan


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