Subota, 28 prosinca, 2024

Dodik: “Hrvati su prezadovoljni Schmidtom dok ne shvate da ako se Bošnjaci udruže, njih neće biti u strukturama vlasti”

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Ahead of tomorrow’s coordination meeting of coalition partners at the level of Bosnia and Herzegovina, hosted by HDZ BiH in Mostar, the leader of SNSD, Milorad Dodik, stated, “What we need to do is solve problems.”

The epicenter of all discussions is the Constitutional Court and the Electoral Law. I don’t think we can move forward until we resolve these two issues; it’s not a threat. I believe we’ve shown our seriousness through the support for the five laws we’ve had recently. However, it can’t be that one problem is solved while others are ignored,” Dodik said to reporters before a donor lunch for the completion of the reconstruction of the Cathedral Church in Mostar.

The International Factor in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Nevertheless, he continued to talk about the relationship with what he called the international factor in Bosnia and Herzegovina, emphasizing its clarity and criticizing the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In recent days, you have seen that illegitimate representative. We rejected him from the beginning because he was not legally elected, and everyone knows that. But these other communities take him when it suits them, and when it doesn’t, he gets criticized, as the people say. But in any case, lately, the line of his support for fascist structures from World War II, where he, as the Minister of Defense, tried to rehabilitate one of the people from the aviation sector and had problems in Germany, is very clearly drawn. And then he comes here to talk in any capacity. He should be silent and disappear. He is not relevant and has no moral basis to talk about anything,” said Dodik.

He added that the world has changed, and “some want Bosnia and Herzegovina to remain the same, only Bosniak, Muslim, and no one else’s anymore.”

Epicentar svih razgovora je Ustavni sud i Izborni zakon. Mislim da se nećemo moći kreati dalje, dok ta dva pitanja ne riješimo, to nije nikakva prijetnja. Mislim da smo mi pokazali kroz podršku pet zakona koje smo imali u posljednje vrijeme, rekli da smo ozbiljni u tome. Ali, ne može se dešavati da se samo jednim rješava problem, a drugi da se ignoriraju – rekao je Dodik novinarima uoči donatorskog ručka za završetak obnove Saborne crkve u Mostaru.

Međunarodni faktor u BiH

Međutim, nastavio je govoriti o odnosu prema, kako je rekao, međunarodnom faktoru u BiH, istakavši da je on jasan te se obrušio na visokog predstavnika u BiH.

Posljednjih dana mogli ste da vidite taj neligitimni predstavnik, mi smo ga od početka odbacili, jer nije bio legalno izabran. I to svi znaju. Ali, ove druge zajednice ga uzmu, kad treba i ne treba i što kaže narod „opiče“ po njemu, ali u svakom slučaju, u zadnje vrijeme veoma jasno se izvlači linija njegove podrške fašističkim strukturama iz Drugog svjetskog rata, gdje je on kao ministar obrane pokušavao da rehabilitira jednog od ljudi iz zrakoplovstva i gdje je imao problema u Njemačkoj, a onda dođe nama ovdje da priča u bilo kojem svojstvu. Ima da zašuti i da nestane. Nije relevantan i nema moralne osnove da bilo o čemu priča – kazao je Dodik.

Dodao je kako se svijet promijenio, a “neki žele da samo BiH ostane jednako, samo bošnjačka, muslimanska i ničija više”.

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