Ponedjeljak, 3 veljače, 2025

Are You Disgusted by European Media Under American Influence? Are You Disgusted by American Media?

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Recent events have exposed a grim truth—the polls were rigged, the narratives were spun, and the media played its role in manufacturing an illusion of consensus. The once-venerated ideals of democracy and freedom of speech, held high as beacons of Western civilization, have been tarnished by an occult war-hungry oligarchy that has taken the reins in the United States. The Clinton-Obama-Biden era has cemented an Orwellian regime—not with banners and militarized police, but with digital suppression, curtailment of free discourse, and the suppression of inconvenient truths.

As the tide turns, and the political order in the United States is shaken by the unexpected rise of democratic voices, one thing is clear—this is not just a battle for ballots; it is a battle for survival. Trump’s resurgence is a threat, not just to the entrenched oligarchic structures but to their very existence, and there are dark whispers about what happens to those who stand in the way of their plans.

Let’s not be naive—Trump is not just a populist, he is also an outsider who has disrupted the order. It is likely that the stakes go beyond political ambition, potentially even risking his life in the face of a threatened system. The powers that be do not relinquish control easily; they do not accept dissent with grace. And, as we have seen throughout history, when a movement threatens their iron grip, they have no qualms about extinguishing it by any means necessary.

Meanwhile, Europe is enduring a crisis of democracy and a free press, one of its own making. European leaders, eager to appease their masters across the Atlantic, have willingly eroded media freedoms and democratic principles in pursuit of alignment with the hegemon. The once proud bastion of diverse thought and journalistic independence is now little more than a collection of vassal states, afraid to deviate from the scripted narratives that Washington dictates.

European governments, in their subservience, have gutted centuries of hard-earned freedoms. The continent that once gave us the Enlightenment now peddles narratives fed to it by think tanks in Washington and bureaucrats in Brussels. These same leaders once lectured the world on human rights, free speech, and the value of dissent—and now they wield the knife against these very tenets in their own backyards.

The impact on European media is catastrophic—an erosion of credibility, a loss of independence, and a palpable distrust among the populace. The irony is bitter: the very freedoms that made European society vibrant and resilient have been compromised in pursuit of pleasing an increasingly unhinged and misguided master.

What remains of freedom of speech after this era of Clinton, Obama, and Biden? A wasteland, where algorithms determine what is permissible thought, and where the architecture of online debate has become a tool for shaping compliant, docile minds. The military-industrial oligarchy, in its obsession with preparing for conflict against Russia, has succeeded in reducing the realm of public discourse to a mere echo chamber—one that rewards conformity and punishes dissent.

We are faced with a threat like never before—the dictatorship of mediocrity. The algorithms favor the average, the banal, and the unchallenging, while drowning out critical thought and creativity. The human mind has been flattened to the level of a hen’s, unable to grasp complexities, content to scratch at the dirt for the simplest of answers.

But let us be clear: this is not an irreversible fate. The illusion has been shattered; the people can see through the veneer. The unprecedented manipulation has only temporarily worked to quell dissent, but the embers of resistance still glow. It is time to question everything that has been presented to us as truth, to question who profits from the stifling of democracy, and to demand a return to genuine discourse.

The elections may have been a victory for democracy, but the battle has only just begun. For Trump, for Europe, and for all of us who cherish freedom of speech and genuine, unfiltered truth—the fight is far from over.

Ivan Urkov l poskok.info


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