Petak, 18 listopada, 2024

N1 reported that Trump was “injured in a shooting.” There is still no reaction from Mr. Pitiful, the US Ambassador to BiH.

Through pressure on the court, Murphy, the US Ambassador (left), ensured decades of freedom for Cikotić, the main suspect in the mass shootings of prisoners from the Iskra camp (right). The scandal was uncovered by Wikileaks. Even today, no one dares to publish this in BiH.

If a Serbian or Croatian TV station (oh, a Croatian TV station in BiH, how grand that sounds) had downplayed the importance of this event, Murphy would have already reacted. Since N1 downplayed the event by claiming that Trump was “injured in a shooting,” we will be waiting for the US Ambassador’s reaction.

Maybe it won’t come at all.

Now let’s imagine that Biden survived an assassination attempt and someone in BiH wrote that he was “injured in a shooting.”

What can we expect from a man who has worked for policies of death for years, who hides criminals, and who claims to represent all American citizens in our country?

From a man who humiliated the figure and work of Peter Herceg in Ljubuški by refusing to attend the unveiling of his monument?

Let’s hope that Trump’s administration will revoke this individual’s diplomatic immunity and extradite him to the BiH judiciary. When the BiH judiciary is finally in the hands of the BiH people. And not in his hands.

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