Četvrtak, 19 rujna, 2024

American Political Circus – Arrogance, Detachment, and Insulting Intelligence


Ah, America, the land of unlimited possibilities and endless gaffes. If Joe Biden were a comic book character, he’d be that funny old man who can’t remember where he left his glasses, let alone make key political decisions. But instead of bowing out gracefully, our dear Joe stubbornly clings to the stage, despite gaffes that have become a nightly comedy routine. What does this tell us about the American Democratic elite and their view of their citizens’ intelligence?

Arrogance Knows No Bounds

Joe Biden, the oldest president in U.S. history, behaves as if he’s irreplaceable. His arrogance is not just a personal flaw but a reflection of a deeply rooted illusion of indispensability typical of political dinosaurs. His stubbornness is nothing more than a desperate attempt to hold onto power while the house of cards he built over the years collapses around him.

Democrats in Their Ivory Tower

And what are the Democrats doing? They sit in their comfortable chairs, isolated in glass towers of power, far removed from the real problems of ordinary Americans. Instead of addressing obvious issues, they choose silence or, at best, superficial condemnations. Their lukewarm reaction to Biden’s gaffes is nothing but a shameful display of their incompetence and fear of change.

The Job from Hell

The U.S. president is like a circus acrobat – balancing on a thin wire between internal and external pressures, always under the public’s spotlight. The workday lasts 10-15 hours, and stress is a constant companion. However, Biden seems like that acrobat who forgot how to walk the wire while the audience holds its breath every time he wobbles. Yet, Democrats still wave their flags and cheer him on, as if they don’t see the obvious danger.

Detached from Reality

The Democratic elite, in their self-satisfied isolation, are increasingly detached from reality. Their focus on ideological battles and neglect of basic life issues like inflation, healthcare, and security shows how out of touch they are with reality. It’s as if they live in a parallel universe where political correctness is more important than actual competence.

Insulting Americans’ Intelligence

Ignoring and downplaying Biden’s gaffes isn’t just a political strategy – it’s an open insult to the intelligence of American citizens. Democrats, in their arrogance, clearly believe that voters are too stupid to see the obvious problems. This underestimation of the electorate is dangerous because it undermines trust in the political system and spreads apathy among voters.

Back in My Day…

A hundred years ago, such behavior would have been strictly punished. Remember Jimmy Carter, who lost the election because of one hostage crisis? Today, we have a war in Ukraine that has become a total fiasco, and at the head of the country, we have a completely senile old man who sometimes thinks that Russia and China are at war, or maybe Canada. And there are no protests in America. In France, squares would be burning.

In Conclusion

The American political elite within the Democratic Party show signs of severe detachment from reality and the everyday concerns of ordinary Americans. Their lukewarm reaction to Biden’s gaffes and scandals reveals a deeply ingrained fear of change and loss of control. But even more dangerous is their underestimation of the intelligence and ability of American citizens to judge what is best for them.

It’s time for Democrats to face reality and start showing more respect for their voters. Because if they continue on this path, they risk losing not just elections but the trust of the people they are supposed to represent. American citizens deserve better – they deserve leaders who will respect them, listen to their concerns, and act in their best interests.

Seriously, why has Europe allowed its guiding light to be such a politically immature state? A country where even Democrats openly claim that its citizens are idiots. Maybe it’s time to wake up from this political soap opera and return to reality.

ivan urkov l poskok.info

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