Petak, 18 listopada, 2024

Tajna groba princeze Diane: Zašto ga nitko osim obitelji nikada nije vidio


Na današnji dan 1997. godine u Parizu je umrla princeza Diana. Njezina smrt bila je šok za cijeli svijet jer je u to vrijeme princeza bila najpoznatija i najfotografiranija žena na svijetu.

Kobna noć

Te kobne noći Diana i njezin partner Dodi al-Fayed, vozač i tjelohranitelj iz pariškog hotela Ritz, dovezli su se u Dodijev stan, a samo nekoliko stotina metara prije odredišta, u tunelu Pont de l’Alma, vozač je izgubio kontrolu nad automobilom..

Princeza je u ranim jutarnjim satima proglašena mrtvom, a informaciju je ubrzo potvrdila i britanska vlada, a vijest o tragičnoj smrti tog ranog nedjeljnog jutra obišla je svijet.

Tijelo princeze prebačeno je u Veliku Britaniju, a njen bivši suprug, princ Charles, otišao je po lijes s njezinim tijelom.

Ogroman interes

Iako je ceremonija bila javna, obred ukopa princeze bio je rezerviran samo za najuže članove obitelji. U strahu od velikog interesa za Dianin grob, njezin brat Charles Spencer odlučio je pokopati sestru na svom imanju Althorp, odnosno na otoku na jezeru imanja.

Polaganju njezina lijesa u grob nazočila je uža obitelj princeze i svećenik.

Grob princeze Diane nalazi se na otoku u jezeru imanja i do njega je nemoguće doći bez dopuštenja Charlesa Spencera.

Stoga grob princeze Diane, unatoč ogromnom interesu javnosti, nikada nitko nije vidio niti posjetio osim njezine obitelji.


The Secret of Princess Diana’s Grave: Why Has No One Except Her Family Ever Seen It?

On this day in 1997, Princess Diana died in Paris. Her death was a shock to the entire world because at that time, she was the most famous and photographed woman in the world.

The Fateful Night

On that fateful night, Diana and her partner Dodi al-Fayed, along with their driver and a bodyguard, left the Ritz hotel in Paris and were en route to Dodi’s apartment. Just a few hundred meters before reaching their destination, in the Pont de l’Alma tunnel, the driver lost control of the car.

Princess Diana was declared dead in the early morning hours, and the news was soon confirmed by the British government, spreading worldwide the tragic news of her death on that early Sunday morning.

Diana’s body was transported to the United Kingdom, and her former husband, Prince Charles, went to retrieve her coffin.

Immense Interest

Although the funeral ceremony was public, the actual burial of the princess was reserved for only the closest members of her family. Fearing the overwhelming interest in Diana’s grave, her brother Charles Spencer decided to bury her on his estate at Althorp, on an island in a lake on the property.

The interment of Princess Diana’s coffin was attended by her immediate family and a priest.

Princess Diana’s grave is situated on an island in the lake on the estate, and it is impossible to access without permission from Charles Spencer. Therefore, despite the immense public interest, no one has ever seen or visited Princess Diana’s grave except for her family.

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