Nedjelja, 16 lipnja, 2024

Slavica Ecclestone attacked in her home in Switzerland in the middle of the night

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Slavica Ecclestone was attacked in her home in Switzerland.

Croatian media write that the attack happened after one hour after midnight while Ecclestone was sleeping.

Slavica Ecclestone suffered minor physical injuries, and the attackers fled. The case is being investigated by the Swiss police.

By the way, the richest Croatian woman and ex-wife of entrepreneur and former Formula 1 boss Bernie Ecclestone visited Dubrovnik in April this year. 

Born in Rijeka, Slavica Ecclestone is often in Dubrovnik, especially because for years she has owned a house in Mali Zaton near Dubrovnik, which she bought for 2.5 million euros and in which she reportedly invested around four million euros.

Bernie and Slavica divorced in 2009 after 24 years of marriage.

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