Petak, 22 studenoga, 2024

SVIJET JE DIVAN: Poljubila specijalca tijekom demonstracija, sad je tuže zbog seksualnog nasilja

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20-GODIŠNJA talijanska studentica u studenom je sudjelovala na prosvjedima na sjeveru Italije gdje je u jednom trenutku poljubila kacigu specijalca. Sve su zabilježile kamere i slika je obišla svijet. Bila je to poruka ljubavi i mira s nenasilnih prosvjeda.

No, talijanski sindikat policije ne misli tako. Kako je proteklog tjedna izvjestila La Repubblica, protiv djevojke su podnijeli tužbu zbog seksualnog nasilja i vrijeđanja javnog službenika.

“Što bi se dogodilo da je policajac poljubio nju? Izbio bi treći svjetski rat. Zašto bi se trebalo tolerirati to što je učinila?”, pitaju se iz sindikata. Glavni tajnik sindikata  Franco Maccari kazao je kako to ne vidi kao čin mira već kao čin provokacije.

Mlada je Talijanka na svom Facebook profilu, uz fotografiju na kojoj ljubi specijalca, napisala: “Svi politčari su svinje”.


AN ITALIAN student is facing sexual assault charges for kissing a riot police officer in the middle of a protest.

Nina de Chiffre, 20, was demonstrating against the construction of a rail link in northern Italy when she came face to face with riot police. She decided to get a bit intimate with one of the officers, kissing and licking his helmet visor.

The moment was caught on camera, and the image became a symbol of peaceful protest.

Then the Italian police union filed a complaint with a court in Turin, accusing Ms de Chiffre of sexual assaultLa Repubblica reports.

“We have accused the protester of sexual violence and insulting a public official,” said the union’s general secretary, Franco Maccari.

“If the policeman had kissed her, World War III would have broken out,” he said. “Or what if I had patted her on the behind? She would have been outraged. So if she does that to a man on duty, should it be tolerated?

“A kiss is a positive thing,” he said. “But in this context, between these two people, it was just disrespect.”

That sounds a bit cynical, but Ms de Chiffre’s own words seem to back up Mr Maccari’s argument.

“No peace message,” she wrote on Facebook. “I would hang all these disgusting pigs upside down.”

Ms de Chiffre told La Repubblica the riot police had beaten one of her fellow protesters.

“I saw this young man in uniform and I felt pity and disgust.”

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