The new withdrawal of the High Representative in BiH, Christian Schmidt, in the face of open and brazen attacks by Milorad Dodik on the constitutional order and the de facto ban on his activities in the RS entity, Bosnia and Herzegovina, is leading to a deeper crisis that can escalate at any moment, jeopardizing stability and peace.
This was announced today by the Party of Democratic Action (SDA) of BiH.
- Attacks on the constitutional order, the Constitutional Court, daily threats of secession, inter-entity line blockades, frequent systematic attacks on Bosniak returnees, new announcements of Serbian officials withdrawing from state institutions, daily insults and humiliations of political opponents, the High Representative, ambassadors, journalists, belittling and denying the Bosniak people, denying genocide, are just a part of the overall atmosphere created by the authorities in the RS entity, acting in accordance with the guidelines of Memorandum SANU II and the Declaration of the SNSD from 2015, all with the ultimate goal of seceding a part of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina – the statement said.
SDA notes that whether and how the High Representative, as well as the ambassadors of Western countries, will react to the humiliations and insults that Dodik perpetrates against them every day is a matter of their personal choice. However, as they add, what is not a matter of choice is fulfilling their obligations arising from the Dayton Peace Agreement.
The state of the most dangerous post-Dayton crisis we are entering, SDA adds, has been produced by the indecisive and calculating attitude of representatives of the international community and domestic judiciary, who have avoided confronting Milorad Dodik’s growing insolence in attacks on the Dayton Peace Agreement, the Constitution, and the rule of law in Bosnia and Herzegovina for years.
- We are at a historic crossroads where such an attitude must change. It must be clear to everyone that Bosnian-Herzegovinian patriots will not allow anyone to peacefully dismantle their country. The “Troika,” which, for the sake of their own seats, lied to themselves and the people that “Dodik had changed” and has not given up its servile attitude toward his side, leaving him important levers of state power and thereby strengthening the mechanisms of his secessionist policy, must also change its attitude. It is high time for them to stop this attitude towards Dodik, as well as their silence on the absence of a reaction from representatives of the international community, as this gives them an alibi for inaction. No one’s armchair should be more important than the state – they said from the SDA.
They add that the High Representative and the OHR are part of the Dayton Peace Agreement and cannot implement their mandate in only one entity, as Christian Schmidt is doing.
- Also, ambassadors who significantly influence the political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as their countries, should fulfill the obligations they have taken on as guarantors of the Dayton Peace Agreement. If they do not fulfill these obligations, and if the High Representative abandons the obligation to implement his mandate throughout the entire territory of the state, then the Dayton Peace Agreement is called into question, with all the consequences that will arise from it – the statement said.
SDA: Ako Schmidt ne bude provodio mandat u cijeloj BiH, Dejton je doveden u pitanje
Novo povlačenje visokog predstavnika u BiH Christiana Schmidta pred otvorenim i drskim napadima Milorada Dodika na ustavni poredak i na faktičku zabranu njegovog djelovanja u entitetu RS, Bosnu i Hercegovinu vodi prema sve dubljoj krizi koja u svakom trenutku može eskalirati, ugrožavajući stabilnost i mir.
Saopšteno je ovo danas iz Stranke demokratske akcije (SDA) BiH.
– Napadi na ustavni poredak, Ustavni sud, svakodnevne prijetnje secesijom, blokada međuentitetske linije, učestali sistematski napadi na povratnike Bošnjake, nove najave povlačenja srpskih kadrova iz državnih institucija, svakodnevne uvrede i poniženja političkih oponenata, visokog predstavnika, ambasadora, novinara, omalovažavanje i negiranje bošnjačkog naroda, negiranje genocida, samo su dio ukupne atmosfere koju proizvodi vlast u entitetu RS, djelujući u skladu sa smjernicima Memoranduma SANU II i Deklaracije SNSD-a iz 2015. godine, a sve s krajnjim ciljem da otcijepi dio države Bosne i Hercegovine – ističe se u saopštenju.
Iz SDA konstatuju da to da li će i kako visoki predstavnik, ali i ambasadori zapadnih država, reagirati na poniženja i uvrede koje im Dodik svakodnevno priređuje, je stvar njihovog ličnog izbora. Ali, kako dodaju, ono što nije stvar izbora jeste ispunjavanje njihovih obaveza koje proizilaze iz Dejtonskog mirovnog sporazuma.
Stanje najopasnije postdejtonske krize u koju ulazimo, dodaju iz SDA, proizvedeno je neodlučnim i kalkulantskim odnosom predstavnika međunarodne zajednice i domaćeg pravosuđa, koji su godinama izbjegavali da se suprotstave rastućoj drskosti Milorada Dodika u udarima na Dejtonski mirovni sporazum, na Ustav i vladavinu prava u Bosni i Hercegovini.
– Nalazimo se na historijskoj raskrnici u kojoj takav odnos mora biti promijenjen. Svima mora biti jasno da bh. patriote neće dozvoliti nikome da im mirnim putem rastura državu. Svoj odnos mora promijeniti i “Trojka”, koja je zarad vlastitih fotelja lagala i sebe i narod da se “Dodik promijenio”, i koja ne odustaje od servilnog odnosa prema njegovoj strani, prepuštajući mu bitne poluge države i time jačajući mehanizme njegove secesionističke politike. Krajnje je vrijeme da prestanu sa takvim odnosom prema Dodiku, ali i šutnjom na izostanak reakcije predstavnika međunarodne zajednice, jer im time daju alibi za nečinjenje. Ničija fotolja ne smije biti važnija od države – poručili su iz SDA.
Dodaju kako su Visoki predstavnik i OHR dio Dejtonskog mirovnog sporazuma i svoj mandat ne mogu provoditi u samo jednom entitetu, kao što to radi Christian Schmidt.
– Također, i ambasadori koji u značajnoj mjeri utječu na političku situciju u Bosni i Hercegovini, kao i njihove države, morali bi ispunjavati obaveze koje su preuzeli kao garanti provođenja Dejtonskog mirovnog sporazuma. Ukoliko te obaveze ne budu ispunjavali, i ako visoki predstavnik odustane od obaveze da svoj mandat provodi na teritoriji cijele države, onda je Dejtonski mirovni sporazum doveden u pitanje, sa svim posljedicama koje će iz toga proizaći – stoji u saopštenju.