Četvrtak, 19 prosinca, 2024

lepa brena

Five Biggest Myths About Life in Yugoslavia – Or, How We Lived in a Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, there was a country called Yugoslavia. In it, everyone lived in harmony, regardless of nationality, religion, or race, and everyone had equal rights, jobs, and a perfect life. Sounds like a fairy tale, right? That’s...

Jugoslavenka iz Brčkog bacila publiku na koljena

Početak hrvatske turneje popularne bosanske pjevačice Fahrete Jahić  u malom kordunaskom mjestu Krnjak pokraj Karlovca, oduševio je publiku. Nekoliko tisuća ljudi u zanosu je pjevalo njene najveće hitove Vremešna glazbenica još jednom je dokazala da je 'balkanska kraljica folka'. Fahreta  je...
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Is the Third World War About to Begin?

European nations are discussing the possibility of deploying military forces to Ukraine in the event of a ceasefire or...
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