Srijeda, 22 siječnja, 2025

Dayton agreement

ZAŠTO HRVATI NEĆE A BOŠNJACI HOĆE REĆI “NEKA SRBI IDU”: Geopolitika Balkana u paketu rusko-ukrajinske krize

Ako globalni igrači – Sjedinjene Države i Europska unija – u širem diplomatskom paketu riješe rusko-ukrajinsku krizu i usput se dogovore o Balkanu, konačno će pasti maske u Bosni i Hercegovini. Tko je doista patriot, a tko samo glumi,...

Is Putin Worried About Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine? A Strange Headline Indeed

Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks during his annual press conference in Moscow. Doesn’t this headline sound a bit odd? Actually, not just a bit odd—it seems completely false. A pathetic fabrication, even. How can Putin possibly be concerned about what Russia...

NOT ALL OF BIH IS A FAILED PROJECT: How the Croat-Bosniak Federation Died as a Society While Republika Srpska Became a True Democracy

As the world watches Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) grapple with deeply rooted divisions, an uncomfortable paradox surfaces for Europe: Republika Srpska (RS), often criticized for its nationalist rhetoric and ties to Russia, has managed to develop a vibrant democratic...

Fire Him, Donald: Schmidt’s Balkan Blunders and Merkel’s Legacy Project”

Christian Schmidt, the High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina, recently shared his pearls of wisdom at a forum in Königswinter, Germany. The event, hosted by the Deutsche Atlantische Gesellschaft, revolved around the implications of Donald Trump's second presidency for...

BOSNIAK TEXTBOOKS: Bosnian church converted to Islam willingly, while Croats and Serbs did not exist in Bosnia until the 19th century

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, each of the three constituent peoples (Bosniaks, Serbs, and Croats) has its own education program. There are multiple publishers on the market, and schools, or rather teachers, independently choose which textbooks to use. For an...

Čović at HDZ BiH Retreat: Progress in Growth Plan Is Evident, Constitutiveness Remains the Foundation of BiH

  The Croatian Democratic Union of Bosnia and Herzegovina (HDZ BiH) held its regular retreat in Mostar, where party officials discussed current issues, focusing on the European integration process and necessary reforms. "We had three panels today. The first addressed our...

Feigling – A Common Word for Cowardice, Often Used for Politicians in Formal and Public Contexts

  In Novi Travnik, the name of a nursery school, Sultan Osvajač El Fatih (Sultan the Conqueror), has sparked long-standing controversy. The institution is named after Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II, known as "The Conqueror," a historical figure tied to Bosnia...

OHR Defends Schmidt: History as Political Currency in a Land Without Truth

We’re stuck not in just any Bosnian tragicomedy, but in an elite version, where the main roles are played by foreign high representatives, while the streets and local political actors carry out their rituals, all while the international audience...

Alija Izetbegović je ratni zločinac

Stav Carle del Ponte izrečen usred BIH da  taj sud neće istraživati muslimanske zločine u BIH, ili barem ne u mjeri u kojoj će istraživati srpske ili hrvatske nije dokaz da Alijini sveti ratnici nisu radili zločine. I da...

Nije majka Muju kudila što je lagao, nego što se branio

Zapeli smo u ne bilo kakvoj  bosanskoj tragikomediji, nego elitnoj gdje glavne uloge tumače strani visoki predstavnici i ulica dok međunarodna publika promatra iz lože s tihim negodovanjem. Christian Schmidt, visoki predstavnik u BiH, našao se u vrtlogu kritika nakon...
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PROKLETSTVO SPOKOJA NEZNANJA BH HRVATA: Neprosvjećenost dolazi od zla oca i od gore matere…

Znati što ne znaš prvi je korak prema prosvjetljenju. A naš korak? Stoji u mjestu, ukopan u blatu povijesnog...
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