Četvrtak, 26 prosinca, 2024

Army of BiH

SUPERNATURAL ABILITIES OF THE COMMANDER OF BOSNIAN AL-QAEDA: Sakhib Al’Mahmuljin is not hiding. Sakib is on Allah’s path of jihad!

The Bosnian judiciary is grappling with a true mystery – the whereabouts of convicted war criminal Sakib Mahmuljin remain unknown. Despite being sentenced by the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina in April 2022 to eight years in prison for...

Heroji BIH ne mogu biti samo muslimani i muslimanke

Zar nema niti jedne herojske priče iz Hrvatske vojske i Hrv.Vijeća Obrane? Zar nema ni jedna herojka iz Vojske Republike Srpske? Sve su to žene čije su ruke bile toliko čvrste dok su nosile oružje, čije su noge prošle nebrojene...
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Is Putin Worried About Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine? A Strange Headline Indeed

Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks during his annual press conference in Moscow. Doesn’t this headline sound a bit odd? Actually, not...
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