Četvrtak, 27 ožujka, 2025

SAUDI MONEY, BONN TRICKS: Who the Hell Funds Mr. Big Sh(m)it, and Can We, for the Love of God, Finally Get an Official Answer?

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Somewhere in the murky corridors of the OHR, Suljo and Mujo—Schmidt’s loyal assistants—are crafting a new masterplan: how to avoid answering the simplest question in existence—“Who funds the OHR?”

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, when you ask who funds an institution, there are usually two answers: either it’s taxpayer money (which means you’ll never know where it actually goes) or it’s an international donation wrapped in secrecy (meaning you won’t know who’s giving the money, why, or under what terms). The OHR, that Bonn-style institution with Bonn-style powers and Bonn-style arrogance, fits perfectly into the second category.


Officially, they claim it’s funded by the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) members—Americans, Brits, Germans, the EU… the same old tune we’ve been hearing for decades. But that’s the paper version.

And the real version?

In reality, money has no smell, but it sure as hell has a specific flow. And then someone dares to ask—what if, alongside the EU and the U.S., the OHR’s financial backing also comes from Saudi Arabia? Suddenly, that innocent little question mark turns into a giant exclamation point.

If the OHR were transparent (which we know it isn’t), it would be quite amusing to see how many of Mr. Big Sh(m)it’s “Bonn decisions” smell of petrodollars. Because politics is always simple: he who pays, plays. And who’s playing the game in BiH? That’s something Mr. Big Sh(m)it and his Bonn Court have never dared to reveal.


Imagine a scenario where a European country decides it’s had enough of migration waves and passes a strict border control law. And then, from some Brussels office, a message lands: “You can’t do that because we fund your institutions!” Boom! Suddenly, the bigger picture comes into focus.

If the OHR is funded from sources they won’t disclose, then Mr. Big Sh(m)it’s decisions aren’t based on international law but on international transactions.

And that’s why Suljo and Mujo keep their mouths shut. Maybe somewhere in the OHR basement, over a cup of overpriced organic tea, they’ve just received the latest directive: “Never, under any circumstances, open the topic of funding.” And if someone asks, just flash a polite smile and say: “Bonn powers.”

Because that’s the OHR: Saudi money, Bonn tricks.

DISCLAIMER 1: We sincerely hope that Mr. Big Sh(m)it doesn’t now amend the criminal code to make it a felony to ask who funds his office and question its saintly goodwill.

DISCLAIMER 2: We also hope that Mr. Big Sh(m)it will kindly send us an email confirming: “No, Saudi Arabia or any other Eastern regime is NOT funding us.” If we don’t get that email, we’ll consider it an admission that anti-European regimes are bankrolling them—while they lecture us about the European path and suspend our Constitution with their bruised egos.

So, gentlemen, hit send.

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