Utorak, 28 siječnja, 2025

Russian embrace: Will the two Bosniak representatives in a tripartite Presidency completely demolish Bosnia and Herzegovina’s NATO trajectory?

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Had Bosnia and Herzegovina not been faced with shameless fascism, which led to the scandalous outvoting of a constituent people’s political choice and complete disrespect for the country’s Constitution, which led to subverting political subjects from the political scene, we would hardly be faced with the situation we are seeing today.

So what exactly are we witnessing?

We are witnessing two Bosniak Members of the Presidency in continuous efforts to extinguish any remaining hope of Bosnia and Herzegovina progressing on its path towards NATO.


With insistent lecturing towards Mr. Dodik, above-mentioned Members are deepening already existing disagreements.

Openly humiliating Dodik to his voting body, they remain aware that a possible negotiation is steadily deteriorating.

Therefore, the conclusion is as follows: Mr. Komšić and Mr. Džaferović do not care about Bosnia and Herzegovina remaining and prospering on its NATO path but are rather focused on fascinating their joint voting body and local embassies, dismissing the prospect of reaching named objectives.

Croatian Member of the Presidency who has been stripped away from his constitutional right, Mr. Čović, would present a stable element in both pacifying Mr. Džaferović and assuring Mr. Dodik that a hypothetical yes to NATO is the overall desirable solution.

While pursuing negotiations with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, it is inevitable to keep in mind the option of the Republic of Srpska backing down and halting the final admittance.

Would Čović succeed in mitigating or not remains unknown, while it is evident that Western NGOs, collaborating with several embassies have undeniably pushed Bosnia and Herzegovina further into the Russian embrace by showcasing their support to Komšić.

Why do they remain salaried by their countries?

To strengthen political stances in Sarajevo which then go on to strengthen Dodik?

To annihilate remaining chances of joining NATO, opening doors for Putin by showing undivided support to political radicals such as Komšić?

What a wise policy that is.

Whether your opinion strays towards observing this commentary into dismissal or spin, it is fundamentally necessary to pose the following questions:

1.Was our progress towards NATO stronger with Čović than it is today?

2.Was Bosnia and Herzegovina a more stable democracy, facing the West than it is today when ⅔ of the Presidency are guided by a Middle-Eastern SDA, whose leader Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (*what a shocker*) is testing missiles with Vladimir Putin as we speak.

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