Srijeda, 18 rujna, 2024

Political parties in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina are obliged to accept the impositions of the OHR, or they will face sanctions. However, the people, Schmidt cannot sanction the people.


If Schmidt imposes half-hearted amendments to the Electoral Law, such as granting Muslims the right to choose two members of the Presidency, no Croat is obliged to respect that, and they have the right to completely boycott the elections. They can even participate in mass civic protests, block access to polling stations, and thereby demonstrate civil disobedience to the tyranny of the Western occult oligarchy in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The OHR simply cannot sanction the people. If the Serbs join us in boycotting the imposed elections, it will be impossible to declare new governments, and the OHR will finally have to leave our country.

Let’s remind ourselves why Schmidt is pretending to be foolish.

Željko Komšić has been imposed four times through violence, not through majority vote but through violence and with hatred propaganda against our people. This process itself is anti-Dayton and does not lead to reconciliation. Just because of his political rhetoric and jihadists at his gatherings, along with threats of rape and impalement, this unpunished jihadist soldier who weakened the military power of the Federation in 1994 by capturing his fellow fighters had to be banned from political activity.

The Constitution clearly states that Bosnia and Herzegovina is a representative democracy and not the Monty Dayton show. The Constitution clearly assigns the role of the Croatian Club of the House of Peoples to the Croatian member of the Presidency. It is clear that the Croatian member of the Presidency does not have to be ethnically Croatian; Komšić himself is not, but he must have the consent of the Croatian Club of the House of Peoples for his work.

Schmidt is obligated to explain to the public that Komšić can be removed by the acclamation of the Croatian Club of the House of Peoples, which, by refusing cooperation, would practically terminate his mandate. Therefore, any future imposition is irrelevant.

The proof that this is the case, and that Komšić understands well that impeachment is embedded in the constitution, is the fact that this biggest alcoholic among Muslim politicians and the biggest Muslim among alcoholics has never attempted to invoke a national veto.

Why? Because he would receive an answer from the Croatian Club of the House of Peoples that there is no answer because he is not their president. And if the House of Peoples refused to respond to his veto, that would mean the end of his mandate because the Constitutional Court would immediately remove him.

Schmidt knows very well what the core issue is, in the case of Sejdić and Finzi, Pilav, and every other. It is about unnecessary judgments if Dayton is understood as the constitution of a representative democracy.

This time, the OHR will encounter Croatian resistance if illogical solutions are imposed.

Croatian politicians may be under the control of the EU and NATO. The Croatian people are not.

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