Četvrtak, 19 rujna, 2024

Plenković, Schmidt i Peach o podršci BiH na europskom putu


Premijer Hrvatske Andrej Plenković, u maniri svjetskog diplomate, sjeo je na marginama Bledskog strateškog foruma s visokim predstavnikom u BiH Christianom Schmidtom i britanskim izaslanikom za zapadni Balkan Lordom Stuartom Peachom da proćakulaju o podršci BiH nakon otvaranja pristupnih pregovora. I tako, dok su sjedili, valjda uz kavicu, Plenković je na platformi X napisao:

‘‘S visokim predstavnikom u BiH Christianom Schmidtom i posebnim izaslanikom britanskog premijera za zapadni Balkan Lordom Stuartom Peachom razgovarao sam o stanju na jugoistoku Europe i podršci BiH nakon otvaranja pristupnih pregovora s Europskom unijom‘‘.

Naravno, premijer nije propustio priliku najaviti svoj skori posjet Bosni i Hercegovini.

Premijer stiže 4. rujna na višednevni radni posjet, tijekom kojeg će obići Mostar i Sarajevo, te usput porazgovarati s predsjedateljicom Vijeća ministara BiH Borjanom Krišto. Nazočit će i otvaranju dionice koridora Vc, uključujući i most s poetičnim imenom “Hercegovina”.

Bledski strateški forum, uz sve te bitne razgovore i ozbiljne teme, ove se godine održava pod nazivom Svijet paralelnih realnosti (A World of Parallel Realities) – što nam svima daje materijala za razmišljanje dok se pitamo u kojoj smo to mi paralelnoj stvarnosti.


Plenković, Schmidt, and Peach Discuss Support for Bosnia and Herzegovina on the European Path
By Fena / September 2, 2024, 8:29 PM

Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenković held talks on the sidelines of the Bled Strategic Forum with High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina Christian Schmidt and the UK Prime Minister’s Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Lord Stuart Peach regarding support for Bosnia and Herzegovina following the opening of accession negotiations.

“With the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina Christian Schmidt and the UK Prime Minister’s Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Lord Stuart Peach, I discussed the situation in Southeastern Europe and support for Bosnia and Herzegovina after the opening of accession negotiations with the European Union,” Plenković wrote on the platform X.

Additionally, he announced his upcoming visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina this week.

The Croatian Prime Minister will arrive in Bosnia and Herzegovina on September 4th for a multi-day working visit. He will have a series of meetings in Mostar and Sarajevo, including one with the Chair of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina Borjana Krišto, and he will also attend the opening of the Vc Corridor section, which includes the “Hercegovina” bridge.

The Bled Strategic Forum is the leading conference in Central and Southeastern Europe, and this year it is being held under the title “A World of Parallel Realities.”

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