Subota, 26 listopada, 2024

MURPHEY: Zna se kako se radi posao u Sarajevu

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Predsjednik Republike Sarajevo, kalifat državice koja prijeti ostatku BIH pokoravanjem u džihad,  dao je priopćenje za javnost povodom korupcijskog skandala na Bjelašnici:

“U današnje vrijeme, kako možete očekivati da će vaša shema proći glatko ako ne uključite sve ključne igrače? Amateri! U Sarajevu su odavno poznata pravila igre, i svi znaju gdje se uplaćuje joker ‘ne snimaj’ za korupciju. Ako mislite da možete voditi ozbiljan biznis kršenja zakona bez odgovarajućih provizija na sve strane, naravno da će vas uhvatiti. Možda je vrijeme da se gospoda educira i prijavi na tečaj ‘Korupcija 101’ gdje učite osnove – uključujući i kako pravilno podmazati kotačiće međunarodnih odnosa. Ne mogu reći da nisam upozoravao!”

Podsjećamo, korupcijski skandal na Bjelašnici ozbiljno je uzdrmao Murpheyev zakon prema kojem je jamstvo da negdje neće biti korupcije u tome da tvrtka mora imati sjedište u Sarajevu.

Inače čovjek koji je odbio doći na otvorenje spomenika Petru Hercegu u Ljubuški. Američkom heroju.

Je li i tu tražio proviziju?

Napomena: U tekstu je nekoliko aktivističkih intervencija, sarkastični opis psihoprofila ove humanoidne kreature. Podatak o Murpheyevom nedolasku u Ljubuški je isitnit. Pljunuo je u lice heroju s Pearl Harbura a State Department još uvijek smeće nije povuklo iz naše zemlje. Sramotno, čak i ako je od Washingtona.


President of the Republic of Sarajevo, a renegade federal unit of Bosnia and Herzegovina that has declared itself a caliphate, issued a public statement regarding the corruption scandal on Bjelašnica:

“In today’s world, how can you expect your scheme to go smoothly if you don’t include all the key players? Amateurs! In Sarajevo, the rules of the game have long been known, and everyone knows where to pay the ‘no record’ joker for corruption. If you think you can run a serious business of breaking laws without the proper kickbacks all around, of course you’ll get caught. Maybe it’s time to enroll in ‘Corruption 101,’ where you learn the basics – including how to properly grease the wheels of international relations. I can’t say I didn’t warn you!”

We remind you that the corruption scandal on Bjelašnica has seriously shaken Murphey’s law, according to which the guarantee that there will be no corruption is that the company must have its headquarters in Sarajevo.

Two days ago, Murphey also criticized the organizers of Marko Perković Thompson’s concert, asking why they didn’t choose a company from Sarajevo to sell the tickets.

Murphey is also known as a protector of war criminals Mlaćo and Cikotić, a disgrace to US society, and a man who refused to attend the unveiling of a monument to Petar Herceg in Ljubuški, an American hero.

Did he demand a kickback there too?

Note: The text contains several activist interventions, a sarcastic description of the psychoprofile of this humanoid creature. The part about the protection of war criminals is true and documented on Wikileaks. The information about Murphey’s absence in Ljubuški is true. He spat in the face of a hero from Pearl Harbor, and the State Department has yet to remove this disgrace from our country. Shameful, even if it is from Washington.

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