BANJALUKA – Zamjenik predsjedavajuće Savjeta ministara Staša Košarac rekao je da je politika Republike Srpske protiv svega što simbolizira lažni visoki predstavnik Kristijan Šmit – antiustavno i antidejtonsko djelovanje, unitarizacija, kolonijalizacija i nedemokratsko miješanje stranaca u unutrašnja pitanja.
Košarac je istaknuo da je Republika Srpska potpisnik svih 11 aneksa Dejtonskog sporazuma u kome je Srpska punim imenom navedena 57 puta, a kroz odrednicu entitet još 95.
“BiH je sastavljena od dva entiteta i tri konstitutivna naroda. Srpska ima suverenitet koji je unijela u BiH”, podsjetio je Košarac, reagirajući na jučerašnji kominike UO Savjeta za sprovođenje mira u kome se tvrdi da entiteti postoje isključivo na osnovu Ustava BiH i nemaju nikakav vlastiti suverenitet, te da Republika Srpska nije potpisnica Općeg okvirnog sporazuma za mir.
On je naglasio da je politika Republike Srpske striktno poštivanje Dejtona i Ustava, te unutarnji dogovor domaćih političara.
Prema njegovim riječima, nelegitimni stranac se drznuo držati slovo o poštivanju Dejtonskog sporazuma, u vječitoj težnji da se u ovoj zemlji ustoliči kao kolonijalni upravnik.
Košarac je upitao otkud mu pravo da uopće govori o institucijama Srpske i njenim legitimno i legalno, narodnom voljom, izabranim predstavnicima.
“To `pravo` on crpi iz nekog paralelnog univerzuma u svojoj glavi na osnovu nepostojeće potvrde Savjeta sigurnosti UN. To `pravo` crpi iz PIK-a, nedejtonskog tijela, koje čak ne predstavlja ni međunarodnu zajednicu, već samoorganiziranu grupu zapadnih ambasadora, čija mišljenja ne obvezuju nikoga u ovoj zemlji”, naveo je Košarac na “Instagramu”.
Prema njegovim riječima, to sasvim dovoljno govori o BiH.
“Iluzorno je očekivati da BiH opstane, a kamoli krene naprijed, sve dok o njenoj sudbini odlučuje lažna pojava i podvala oličena u Kristijana Šmita”, zaključio je Košarac.
Košarac: Srpska’s Policy is Against Everything the Fake High Representative Symbolizes
Košarac: Srpska’s Policy is Against Everything the Fake High Representative Symbolizes
BANJALUKA – Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers Staša Košarac said that the policy of the Republic of Srpska is against everything the fake High Representative Christian Schmidt symbolizes – unconstitutional and anti-Dayton actions, unitarization, colonization, and undemocratic foreign interference in internal affairs.
Košarac emphasized that the Republic of Srpska is a signatory of all 11 annexes of the Dayton Agreement, in which Srpska is mentioned by name 57 times and as an entity 95 times.
“BiH is composed of two entities and three constituent peoples. Srpska has the sovereignty that it brought into BiH,” Košarac reminded, reacting to yesterday’s communiqué of the PIC Steering Board, which claims that the entities exist solely on the basis of the BiH Constitution and have no inherent sovereignty, and that the Republic of Srpska is not a signatory to the General Framework Agreement for Peace.
He stressed that the policy of the Republic of Srpska is strict adherence to Dayton and the Constitution, as well as internal agreements among local politicians.
According to him, the illegitimate foreigner dared to lecture about respecting the Dayton Agreement, in an eternal effort to establish himself as a colonial ruler in this country.
Košarac questioned what right he has to even speak about the institutions of Srpska and its legitimately and legally elected representatives, chosen by the will of the people.
“He derives this ‘right’ from some parallel universe in his head based on a nonexistent confirmation from the UN Security Council. He derives this ‘right’ from the PIC, a non-Dayton body that does not even represent the international community, but a self-organized group of Western ambassadors whose opinions do not bind anyone in this country,” Košarac wrote on Instagram.
According to him, this speaks volumes about BiH.
“It is illusory to expect BiH to survive, let alone move forward, as long as its fate is decided by a fake figure and deception embodied in Christian Schmidt,” concluded Košarac.