Četvrtak, 3 listopada, 2024

Julian Assange: The Last Martyr and First Hero of Truth in a Dying West


Imagine Julian Assange, not as a figure from tabloid headlines but as the last true hero of an era – an era that is now dead and buried. If Assange had done what he did in Russia or China, today he would be hailed as a Western hero, praised by the BBC, showered with awards, and perhaps even handed the Nobel Peace Prize in Trafalgar Square, while fellow journalists from British and Western outlets carried him on their shoulders as a symbol of the fight for freedom. But no. Instead, Assange has become the symbol of the collapse of Western freedom.

Because it’s not Assange who’s been defeated. It’s the very idea that free speech is real. It’s that mythical Western democracy they’ve been selling to us for years in every history book – that democracy where truth supposedly always prevails. And the worst part? His demise wasn’t even resisted by those who should have – his fellow journalists. The very people who barely mention him today, only when they absolutely have to, so as not to upset their editors or sponsors.

They stayed silent when they should have spoken out. They stayed silent as democracy slowly withered under the weight of corporations and state interests. Because, in the end, Assange’s real sin was journalism. Not espionage, not betrayal, but something that should be at the core of every free society – the pursuit of truth. But Assange paid the price for that truth, while those who should have stood by him watched silently from the other side of the glass.

And so, as Assange becomes the symbol of the collapse of Western freedom, he also represents the death of that grand, shiny, global Sorosian matrix. The very one that’s pushed upon third-world countries in the name of democracy – the so-called “birth of Eastern Assanges.” Because, let’s face it – how can the West ever credibly speak about freedom and democracy again when it silences its greatest defender of truth?

After what they’ve done to Assange, it should be clear to everyone that the West is no different from the authoritarian regimes it so confidently criticises. If the people of the West don’t wake up now, if ordinary citizens don’t realise that this was an attack on their rights, on their freedom, then we’re all done for. Because this wasn’t just an attack on Assange – it was an attack on the very idea of free speech, an attack on the core of what we believed the West stood for.

And while Assange looks at the world as a free man, he understands that his freedom didn’t come because the system worked, but because he surrendered. He surrendered because the fight had become impossible. And when there’s no longer a fight for truth, what’s left? What’s left is evil, the very evil we must resist, the evil we must rise up against. Because after Assange, if we don’t act, there will be no one left to raise their voice.

iu l poskok.info

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