Subota, 27 srpnja, 2024

Izetbegović – a political schemer, shamelessly lying without hesitation or shame

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Izetbegović – a political schemer, shamelessly lying without hesitation or shame – Croatian Media Service

Following his recent shameful appearance on the Arab television channel AlArabiya, in which, among other things, he spun tales about Bosnia and Herzegovina’s history, questioning the identities of Croats and Serbs, and presented the absurd thesis that the Bosnian Church of the Middle Ages had teachings similar to Islam, the electoral loser Bakir Izetbegović, the president of the Bosniak SDA party, in an interview with BHT, showed that he can sink even lower in his political messages and analyses.

Commenting on the arrest of his party colleague Salko Zildžić, a member of the House of Representatives of the Parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, by the Serbian border police four days ago, who apprehended and detained him for possessing firearms, Izetbegović sent a message to the Serbian authorities, expressing his hope that they will show understanding for Zildžić. He revealed that they are assisting Zildžić’s family and are looking for a good lawyer, and that it would be good if the Serbian authorities released Zildžić from custody, considering the neighboring relations. As reasons why the Serbian authorities should release him from custody, he pointed out that he is a parliamentarian, a father of four, and that he has no previous convictions.

He also commented on the message from the Croatian President Zoran Milanović to the United Nations General Assembly that the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina needs to be changed, with a remark that this is a direct interference in the internal affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Nothing unusual coming from Izetbegović, especially regarding Milanović’s continued advocacy for electoral reform that would ensure the ultimate legitimate representation of all constituent nations, since the usurper of the position of the Croatian member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Željko Komšić, was elected four times, predominantly by the votes of Bosniaks and Izetbegović’s SDA voters.

However, his audacious remark regarding the status of Croats in BiH, stating that “being a Croat means it’s three times easier to find a job than a Bosniak. Bosniaks in the Federation of BiH are endangered, they are second-class citizens,” and that “there is nothing wrong with Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and he believes that they are a privileged nation,” certainly deserves comment.

You have to be either malicious or misinformed to say something like this on public service television in BiH, without any hesitation, doubt, or shame. The fact is that Bakir Izetbegović is not misinformed. He has been actively involved in politics for almost three decades, and more or less the same amount of time, the intelligence community has been under the control of his party and family. Therefore, there is only one conclusion: Bakir Izetbegović is a politically corrupt person when he claims that Croats in the Federation of BiH are first-class citizens and Bosniaks are second-class citizens, as reported by the Croatian Media Service.

When it comes to the claim that there is nothing wrong with Croats and that they easily find jobs, this is a verifiable lie. It is clear to everyone that Croats in BiH are discriminated against on numerous grounds. We will highlight just a few drastic examples: rights that minorities in Europe have, Croats, as a fundamental and constituent people in BiH, do not have or have been denied to them.

They are denied the ability to choose their legitimate representative in the Presidency of BiH. There is no basis for this denial even in diplomacy. Croats in BiH and the Federation of BiH do not have a public radio and television service in their language. This is directly obstructed by Izetbegović and the SDA, which declared the ban on the existence of a Croatian-language public broadcaster a vital interest of the Bosniak people. The existence of the Croatian language itself is disputed for Croats in BiH, and for years they have been obstructed from building a theater in Mostar, the construction of the Museum of the HVO (Croatian Defense Council), and the assertion that they were the first to defend BiH and that without the votes of Croats in the 1990 referendum, there would be no Republic of BiH and the declared independence. Many other things could be mentioned that practically deny the existence of Croats as a political people in BiH, alongside Bosniaks and Serbs. Therefore, if it is too much for Bakir Izetbegović, it is too much!

Izetbegović- politički pokvarenjak, laže bez imalo zadrške, dvojbe ili stida

Nakon nedavnog sramotnog istupa na arapskoj televiziji televiziju AlArabiya u kojem je, između ostalog, pričao bajke povijesti BiH, osporavajući identitet Hrvata i Srba, te iznošenja nebulozne teze kako je Crkva bosanska iz Srednjeg vijeka imala učenje blisko Islamu, izborni gubitnik Bakir Izetbegović, predsjednik bošnjačke stranke SDA, u intervju BHT pokazao je da može pasti još niže u svojim političkim porukama i analizama.

Komentirajući nakon četiri dana uhićenje svoga stranačkog kolege Salke Zildžića, zastupnik u Zastupničkom domu Parlamenta Federacije BiH, od strane srbijanske granične policije, koja ga je privela i pritvorila zbog posjedovanja vatrenog oružja, Izetbegović je poručio vlastima Srbije kako se nada da će imati sluha za Zildžića. Otkrio je da pomažu Zildžićevoj obitelji i da su u potrazi za dobrim odvjetnikom te da bi bilo dobro da srbijanske vlasti puste Zildžića iz pritvora i zbog susjedskih odnosa. Kao razloge zašto bi ga srbijanske vlasti trebale pustiti iz pritvora istakao je to što je parlamentarac, otac četvero djece te da nije osuđivan.

Komentirao je on i poruku hrvatskog predsjednika Zorana Milanovića Općoj skupštini UN-a da je potrebno izmijeniti Izborni zakon Bosne i
Hercegovine, uz opasku da je to izravno miješanje u unutarnje odnose u BiH.

Ništa čudno od Izetbegovića, a kada je u pitanju Milanovićevo nastavljanje zagovaranja izborne reforme koja bi osigurala konačno puno legitimno
predstavljanje svih konstitutivnih naroda, jer uzurpator pozicije hrvatskog člana Predsjedništva BiH Željko Komšić četiri puta upravo je izabran i dominantno glasovima Bošnjaka i Izetbegevićevih birača SDA.

Ali njegova drska opaska glede statusa Hrvata u BiH kako “biti Hrvat znači tri puta lakše doći do radnog mjesta, nego Bošnjak. Bošnjaci u Federaciji BiH su ugroženi, oni su građani drugog reda” te kako “Hrvatima u Bosni i Hercegovini ništa ne fali i misli da su privilegiran narod” svakako zaslužuje komentar.

Treba biti pokvaren ili neinformiran kada ovako nešto izjavite na javnom servisu u BiH, bez imalo zadrške, dvojbe ili stida. Jer činjenica je kako Bakir Izetbegović nije neinformiran. U politici je aktivno skoro tri desetljeća, a manje više isto godina i obavještajna zajednica je pod
kontrolom njegove stranke i obitelji. Stoga ostaje samo jedna konstatacija kako je Izetbegović politički pokvarena osoba kada tvrdi da su Hrvati u FBiH građani prvog, a Bošnjaci građani drugog reda, piše Hrvatski Medijski Servis.

Da Hrvatima tobože ništa ne fali i lako dolaze do posla, lako je provjerljiva laž. I pticama na grani je više jasno kako Hrvati diskriminirani po brojnim osnovama. Izdvojit ćemo samo neke i drastične primjere, prava koje i manjine u Europi imaju, Hrvati kao temeljeni i
konstitutivni narod u BiH nemaju ili su mu uskraćena.

Od nemogućnosti da izaberu svoga legitimnog predstavnika u Predsjedništvu BiH. Temelje te uskraćenosti nema ih ni u diplomaciji. Hrvati u BiH i FBiH nemaju javni RTV servis na svom jeziku. Priječi im to izravno Izetbegović i stranka SDA, koju on vodi. kada je zabranu postojanja RTV servisa na hrvatskom jeziku proglasila bošnjačkim vitalnim interesom. Osporava se Hrvatima u BiH i FBiH i sam hrvatski jezik, priječi im se godinama gradnja zgrade kazališta u Mostaru, gradnja Muzeja HVO i osporava da su i prvi stali u obranu BiH kao i da bez glasova Hrvata na referendumu 1990. ne bi bilo Republike BiH i izglasane nezavisnosti. Može se nabrojati još desetina drugih stvari kojima se praktično osporava postojanje Hrvata kao političkog naroda u BiH, uz bošnjački i srpski. Stoga, ako je i od Bakira Izetbegovića previše je!/M.L./HMS/

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