Petak, 22 studenoga, 2024

“If I wanted to “protect my crime”, I would go to the American embassy, ​​sign everything, and I would be the most protected man in the BiH…

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 Member of the BiH Presidency Member Milorad Dodik told RTRS that Republika Srpska wants a constitutional BiH, which can only be stable if it returns to the original Dayton and if the constituent peoples are respected.

Dodik said that high representatives and judges of the Constitutional Court of BiH made a big mess in BiH and that large and powerful countries, such as the USA and the EU, supported that instead of cleaning up the mess.

The concept that is being imposed in BiH is unconstitutional. That does not correspond to the Dayton Agreement or even to the spirit of that agreement. The essence of the Dayton Agreement is that BiH consists of two entities and three constituent peoples who sovereignly manage internal political processes. It was envisaged that BiH has only international political sovereignty and that no one will interfere in that – Dodik pointed out in an interview for RTRS.

He said the military, indirect taxes, and the judiciary certainly do not fall under BiH’s international sovereignty.

The resistance to the lie that the EU continuously puts here as a fight for the rule of law, which was essentially the rule of injustice and which allowed three foreign judges of the BiH Constitutional Court to violate the Constitution. She also supported High Representative Paddy Ashdown in imposing the BiH Criminal Code, which states that anyone who does not respect the Constitutional Court’s decision will be held criminally liable. So, they did it with the intention of 15 years ago to punish everyone who says they are working against the Constitution, because nowhere in the Constitution does it say that forests and agricultural land are the property of BiH – stated Dodik.

Among other things, Dodik spoke about the claims that everything he has been doing lately regarding the political situation in BiH is being done to protect his crime.

“If I wanted to “protect my crime”, I would go to the American embassy, ​​sign everything, and I would be the most protected,” said Dodik.

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