Subota, 23 studenoga, 2024

I treća godišnjica veličanja Rasima Delića obilježena je bez reakcija iz USA ambasade. Već četiri godine je presuđeni zločinac…

- Advertisement - 2013 reports: General of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Rasim Delic, left a significant mark in the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina; without people like him, the entire BiH would have been turned into Ahmici and Srebrenica, emphasized a member of the Presidency of BiH, Bakir Izetbegovic, today at the Kovaci Memorial Center in Sarajevo on the occasion of marking the third anniversary of General Delic’s death. A year earlier, Izetbegovic said that Delic should have been admired, not judged. Even then, no one from the US Embassy reacted. Minister Cikotic was also present at the celebration.

Murphey had previously secured immunity for him in courts together with the then US Ambassador to BiH. Cikotic will soon become a minister, once again. In total, it was three times.

Radio Sarajevo further writes in that year, the third after the death of the war criminal:
Rasim Delic was born on February 4, 1949, in Celic, and died on April 16, 2010, in Visoko. He was a general of the Army of the Republic of BiH and the second Chief of the General Staff of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

During the anniversary commemoration, it was emphasized that Delic, as a general of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in difficult conditions, turned a partially armed population into a respectable military force that stopped the massacre of people, halted the aggression on BiH, and thereby achieved tactical, and then strategic initiative. This army started the liberation of BiH in 1994 and 1995.

Delić was entrusted with the task of uniting the combat forces outside Sarajevo and coordinating them. During the fight for BiH, in the early days of aggression, he organized a group of the Supreme Command Staff of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina that directed combat operations outside Sarajevo, considering that the Supreme Command Staff was in Sarajevo, which was besieged.

The President of the Association for the Protection of the Legacy of the Struggle for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mustafa Polutak, said that Delic was a man who selflessly gave himself for the defense of BiH. As Polutak notes, General Delic selflessly did everything to unite the forces of the Army, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and other forces to better defend the homeland, and he succeeded in that.

In June 1993, he was appointed to the top position of the Army.

At the Kovaci Memorial Center, in addition to Bakir Izetbegovic, members of the family, the Association for the Protection of the Legacy of the Struggle for Bosnia and Herzegovina, and associations of veterans from Travnik paid tribute to Delic by laying flowers and reciting the Fatiha.

As we can see, there is no mention from the Bosniak leadership about Delic’s verdict. Silence. Silence is golden.

And Murphey likes to eat nicely and elegantly.

During the commemoration of the third anniversary of the death of the leader of Al Qaeda in BiH, an honorary salute was fired in honor of the butcher. It was so strong that even the ashes of El Fatih over the grave of Alija Izetbegovic scattered. And now, fresh, beautiful grass is growing on it.

The salute was paid from the state budget. This means that the honorary salute in honor of the death of their fathers’ killers was paid for by the sons of those whom Rasim’s detachment El Mujahid ritually sent to eternal hunting grounds.

But nothing. Croats and Serbs are spreading divisions and sowing hatred.

Na Naški: 2013 objavljuje: General Armije Republike Bosne i Hercegovine Rasim Delić je ostavio veliki trag u historiji Bosne i Hercegovine; da nije bilo ljudi poput njega čitava BiH bi bila pretvorena u Ahmiće i Srebrenicu, istakao je član Predsjedništva BiH Bakir Izetbegović danas  u Memorijalnom centru Kovači u Sarajevu povodom obilježavanja treće godišnjice od smrti generala Delića.  izetbegović je godinu ranije kazao da se Deliču trebalo diviti a ne ga suditi. Ni tada nije reagirao nitko iz USA ambasade. _Na proslavi je bio i ministar Cikotić.

Njemu je još ranije Murphey skupa s tadašnjim Ambaaadorom USA u BIH osigrao imunitet na sudovima. CIkotić će uskoro postati ministar, pa još jednom. Ukupno je bio tri puta.

Radio Sarajevo dalje piše te godine. treće po smrti ratnog zločinca:
Rasim Delić rođen je 4. februara 1949. godine u Čeliću, a umro je 16. aprila 2010. godine u Visokom. Bio je general Armije Republike BiH i drugi načelnik Generalštaba Armije Republike BiH.

Na obilježavanju godišnjice naglašeno je da je Delić, kao general Armije RBiH, u teškim uvjetima od polunaoružanog naroda napravio respektabilnu vojnu silu koja je zaustavila pokolj naroda, zaustavila agresiju na BiH te s tim postigla taktičku, a onda i stratešku inicijativu. Ova armija je 1994. i 1995. krenula u oslobađanje BiH.

Deliću je bila povjerena dužnost da objedinjuje borbene snage izvan Sarajeva te da njima koordinira. U toku borbe za BiH, prvih dana agresije u Visokom je organizovao grupu Štaba Vrhovne komande Armije RBiH koja rukovodi borbenim djelovanjima izvan Sarajeva, imajući u vidu da je Štab Vrhovne komande bio u Sarajevu koje je opkoljeno.

Predsjednik Udruženja za zaštitu tekovina borbe za BiH Mustafa Polutak kazao je da je Delić čovjek koji je nesebično dao sebe za odbranu BiH. Kako navodi Polutak, general Delić je nesebično činio sve da objedini snage Armije, Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova i druge snage da bi se što bolje odbranila domovina te da je u tome i uspio.

U junu 1993. godine postavljen je na čelnu poziciju Armije.

U Memorijalnom centru Kovači polaganjem cvijeća i učenjem Fatihe Deliću su, osim člana Predsjedništva BiH Bakira Izetbegovića, počast odali članovi porodice, Udruženje za zaštitu tekovina borbe za BiH i udruženja boračkih organizacija iz Travnika.

Kao što vidimo niti od bošnjačkog vrha nema spomena riječi o presudi Deliću. Šutnja. Šutnja su zlatne kašike.

A Murphey  voli lijepo i otmjeno da se hrani.

Prilikom obilježavanja treće godišnjice od smrti vođe Al Qaede u BIH ispaljen je i počasni plotun u čast koljača. Toliko je bio jak da se i pepeo El Fatiha nad grobom Alije Izetbegovića rastresao.  I sad na njemu raste svježa ljepša travica.

Plotun je plaćen državnim proračunom. To znači da su počasni plotun u čast smrti koljača svojih očeva platili sinovi onih koje je Rasimov odred El Mudžahid obredno poslao na vječna lovišta.

Al ništa to. Hrvati i Srbi bolan šire podjele i siju mržnju.


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