Subota, 27 srpnja, 2024

Escobar for the ‘Open Balkans’: We support integration initiatives

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In the framework of the Prespa Forum that is being held in Northern Macedonia, today is being discussed within the session “Western Balkans – Maneuvering in turbulent times”.

Among them is the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, Donika Gërvalla.

Also in attendance are Stuart Peach, the UK’s envoy to the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, the US special envoy to the Western Balkans, and many other diplomats.

In his speach, Escobar said it is important that people know that they are all united for Euro-Atlantic integration.

“When we talk about the challenges of the Western Balkans, they are many, but we must focus on the opportunities we have here and these are many,” said Escobar.

“But we have to move forward with the issues we are facing in the region.”

He assured that the US is supportive in this matter.

According to Escobar, the most important thing is European enlargement, and NATO to include other parts.

“What the EU has done has to do with peace so that this part of the world becomes more peaceful and democratic,” said the American diplomat.

Escobar said that to be a candidate for EU membership, a country must know that it gives many benefits to the people.

“The Western Balkans is geographically up to all other standards and should be part of the EU and an opportunity for new generations.”

The US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans said the message is that although people are focused on the political framework process, progress is being made today.

“That’s why all this makes me say that the Western Balkans are successful,” said Escobar.

He also spoke about the initiative of “Open Balkans”.

“The ‘Open Balkans’, as long as it is geared towards European integration, then we are here to support it,” said Escobar.

He stated that the rest is the work of the countries of the region.

“As long as the ‘Open Balkans’ fulfills these, we support it and all the other initiatives that unite us.”

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