Četvrtak, 19 rujna, 2024

DODIK: “Tragamo za osobama u OHR-u koji su uputili zahtjev za izdavanje putovnice Schmidtu i onim u MVP-u koji su ga potpisali”


DODIK: “We are searching for individuals in the OHR (Office of the High Representative) who submitted the passport issuance request for Schmidt and those in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who signed it.”

President of RS (Republika Srpska) Milorad Dodik stated that they are determining on what basis a passport was issued to the High Representative Christian Schmid at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as reported by RTRS.

“We are looking for those responsible in the OHR (Office of the High Representative) who submitted such a request to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as those who signed the passport issuance request at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,” Dodik said for RTRS, emphasizing that this involves criminal responsibility.

He stated that he has information that an investigation is also being conducted in Germany, which all indicates that someone must be held accountable, primarily to establish the responsibility of local individuals.


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