Petak, 18 listopada, 2024

Cars with Russian plates in Latvia will be confiscated after February 14


Cars with Russian license plates in Latvia will have to be re-registered by mid-February, or they risk confiscation, reports the national television and radio broadcaster LSM.

Unregistered vehicles with Russian license plates moving on Latvian territory after February 14 will be seized, and it is planned to transfer such vehicles to Ukraine.

Furthermore, unauthorized use of a Russian vehicle not registered in Latvia in road traffic can result in a fine ranging from 750 to 2000 euros.

Cars with Russian license plates will be allowed to transit through Latvian territory and must leave within 24 hours.

The law will not apply to vehicles used by diplomatic and consular services.

The Latvian parliament did not support the proposal to ban cars with Belarusian plates from entering Latvia.

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