Subota, 27 srpnja, 2024

As part of the corruption investigation, the home of a New York City Mayor’s associate was searched. The roots of corruption are believed to be connected to Turkey.

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As part of the corruption investigation, the home of Brianne Suggs, the campaign manager for New York City’s Mayor Eric Adams, was searched. The roots of corruption are emerging in New York’s ties with Turkey.

NEW YORK – Agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) searched the home of Brianne Suggs, the campaign manager for New York City Mayor Eric Adams, as part of a corruption investigation.

According to The New York Times, the raid is part of a broader FBI and federal prosecutor’s investigation in Manhattan into whether Adams’ 2021 mayoral campaign received money from overseas through the Turkish government and a construction company from Brooklyn. During the search, agents were looking for evidence of the theft of federal funds, conspiracy to steal federal funds, conspiracy to commit fraud, and contributions from foreign nationals to political campaigns.

Suggs is a key figure in Adams’ campaign fundraising team and has already raised more than $2.5 million for the 2025 reelection campaign.

It is not clear if the investigation is targeting the Mayor of New York City, but the search of his associate’s home has forced him to cancel several meetings in Washington, according to the American newspaper.

Adams has often boasted about his connections with Turkey, and he did so most recently during an event in Manhattan when he stated that he was likely the Mayor of New York City who had visited Turkey the most.

Eric Adams is a member of the Democratic Party and was elected as the Mayor of New York City in 2022, becoming only the second African American to hold that position.

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