Petak, 7 ožujka, 2025

Just two years ago, the BBC gave a platform to the attacker to talk about “helping people from Arab countries.”

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Does this “unintentional BBC blunder” sound familiar?

Does anyone remember the report from Vitez in 1993.(Bosnia)? A Croatian mother holding her dead child in front of the local health center, while BBC reporters present the story as if Croats were shelling the hospital. The camera showed a “Muslim woman” mourning her killed son. The truth was different, but the killer of the little son of mother Garić was never found.

Here we are again. In 2024, BBC will not apologize. Because, according to them, they didn’t do anything wrong. The fact that the terrorist was presented in their show as a victim doesn’t mean there aren’t real victims, and in their alternate interpretation of reality, this man, whom the BBC filmed, could very well still be perceived as a “victim.”

Taleb al-Abdulmohsen, the terrorist who drove a car into dozens of people, killing five at the Christmas market in Magdeburg, was portrayed in an entirely different light just a few years ago.

Taleb on BBC: A Different Story
Two years ago, al-Abdulmohsen was featured in a BBC segment where he spoke about a website he created to “help” people wishing to leave Arab Gulf countries.

Taleb’s “Activism”
In the segment, Taleb claimed he couldn’t return to Saudi Arabia due to “religious reasons.” He framed his goal as not only personal safety but also helping others escape their home countries.

His website, he said, was designed as a resource for advising those who wanted to leave Gulf nations. Allegedly, the main users of the site were women aged 18 to 30. Taleb also mentioned he used social media platforms to assist those seeking asylum in Western Europe.

From Political Dissident to Terrorist
It is now evident that al-Abdulmohsen used platforms and media attention to hide his true intentions. His “activism” was merely a facade, behind which he harbored the radicalism that eventually led to the brutal attack in Magdeburg.

German authorities now face serious questions about how someone with such a profile was granted asylum and allowed to make public appearances without any response to prior warnings from Saudi Arabia.

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