Četvrtak, 24 listopada, 2024

MANDIĆ: Gledati onu monoseksualnu gomilu oznojenih muškaraca je ponižavajuće, nogomet je majmunska igra

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Updated Words of the Croatian Philosopher: Football is a Monkey Game (VIDEO)

In the final stages of EURO 2024, the appearance of Croatian writer Igor Mandić on the show “Sunday at 2,” where he sharply criticized football as a sport, has been revisited on social media.

Among the many statements of the renowned polemicist, who passed away on March 13, 2022, his remark on football as a “monkey game” still leaves no one indifferent.

In 2002, Mandić appeared on Aleksandar Stanković’s show and shared his view on the popular game.

“Watching a bunch of sweaty men running after a ball is degrading. For a man, something else should be more important in life. Love,” he said.

@nedjeljom.u.2 LEGENDARY SUNDAY AT 2 Football is a cheap drug for the masses. It is a boring and monotonous game on the level of monkey instincts. Igor Mandić, 2002.

@nedjeljom.u.2LEGENDARNE NEDJELJOM U 2 Nogomet je jeftina droga za mase. To je jedna dosadna i monotona igra na razini majmunskih instinkata. Igor Mandić, 2002.♬ original sound – Nedjeljom u 2

He then continued:

“There is nothing playful, nothing fun about football. It is a boring, monotonous, repetitive game, brought to the peak of its banality.”

Mandić believed that football is “limited by chance.”

“This phenomenon was discovered by the modern world. It’s no coincidence that it became popular because it’s completely uncertain. And that unpredictability is the only thing viewers count on, as their adrenaline stake in cheering.”

When Stanković asked how he explains the popularity of “such stupidity,” Mandić replied:

“Because it is so simple that even monkeys can play it. Football is a monkey game, on the level of monkey instincts.”

Stanković asked, “Aren’t all games like that?” to which Mandić responded: “No, they are not. Chess, for example, is a high-minded game bordering on art.”

Mandić continued:

“I’m not saying that ball games are unnecessary, but only in free time, as a pastime. The moment they become a profession, a trade, fulfilling some duty, or taking on the burden of a national institution, they become dangerous, counterproductive for all of us, for our mentality, psyche, and healthy living.”

The Croatian writer concluded that “football is a cheap drug for the masses,” and this appearance sparked a heated discussion on social media.

Some support his opinion, while others are shocked and criticize him.

“Football and other sports have brought me more joy than his miserable philosophy,” wrote one person.

Another countered: “He’s right, it’s an overrated sport where a lot of money is laundered,” reports “Telegraf.”

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