80-godišnji američki predsjednik, koji zbog godina redovito trpi napade, teško da bi mogao računati na pomoć 77-godišnjeg bivšeg predsjednika Donalda Trumpa kao saveznika koji će ga braniti. Bivši republikanski predsjednik, s kojim bi se 80-godišnji demokrat ponovno mogao susresti na biralištima u studenom 2024., uvjeravao je NBC da Bidenov problem nisu njegove godine, već njegova nesposobnost.
Dobro zdravlje
Predsjednikova posljednja liječnička procjena u veljači ove godine govorila je da je dobrog zdravlja, ali Bijela kuća nikada prije nije imala tako starog stanara. Biden bi na kraju mogućeg drugog mandata imao 86 godina, zbog čega često trpi kritike.
A govoreći o vlastitoj dobi, Trump je uz osmijeh rekao: “Još sam daleko od 80.” Aktualne ankete pokazuju da su Amerikanci, iako je razlika u godinama između Bidena i Trumpa mala, više zabrinuti za Bidenovo zdravlje.
Trump: It’s not the problem that Biden is old, but that he’s incompetent G.S. September 16, 2023 8:05 PM
The 80-year-old American president, who regularly faces attacks due to his age, would hardly count on the support of 77-year-old former President Donald Trump as an ally to defend him. The former Republican president, whom the 80-year-old Democrat could meet again at the polls in November 2024, assured NBC that Biden’s problem is not his age but his incompetence.
“Some of the greatest world leaders were in power when they were in their eighties,” asserted the former president, a candidate in the Republican primaries. “And Biden is not too old,” he added during the interview, “but I think he is incompetent, and that’s a bigger problem.”
Good health
The president’s latest medical assessment in February of this year stated that he is in good health, but the White House has never had such an elderly resident before. If Biden were to serve a possible second term, he would be 86 years old, which often leads to criticism.
Speaking about his own age, Trump said with a smile, “I’m still far from 80.” Current polls show that Americans, despite the small age difference between Biden and Trump, are more concerned about Biden’s health.