Bivša austrijska ministrica vanjskih poslova Karin Kneissl, poznata po javnom plesu s ruskim predsjednikom Vladimirom Putinom na svom vjenčanju 2018. godine, emigrira u Rusiju kako bi preuzela vođenje istraživačkog centra.
Kneissl je obavljala funkciju ministra vanjskih poslova Austrije od 2017. do 2019. godine, ali se nakon toga suočila s kritikama zbog svojih proruskih stavova. Sada preuzima ulogu voditelja Gorki centra, koji je povezan s Univerzitetom u Sankt Peterburgu i fokusiran je na geopolitičke analize.
“Ja sam suosnivač Gorki centra i preuzimam vodstvo. S obzirom na obim posla i potrebnu predanost, odlučila sam preseliti se u Sankt Peterburg kako bih se posvetila ovom zadatku”, izjavila je za TASS.
Kneissl je napomenula da je već dobila sve potrebne dokumente, uključujući radnu vizu, te da je “premjestila svoj život u stan u Sankt Peterburgu”.
Izvješća sugeriraju da joj je Kremlj pružio podršku pri njezinom preseljenju u Rusiju, uključujući čak i transport njezinih osobnih stvari ruskim vojnim avionom, kako navodi ruski medij Insider.
Kneissl postaje jedna od bivših europskih političkih figura koja je u posljednjim godinama započela profesionalnu karijeru u Rusiji.
Godine 2021. prihvatila je poziciju u upravnom odboru ruskog naftnog diva Rosnjefta, no napustila ju je u svibnju prošle godine nakon dugotrajnih pritisaka uslijed ruske invazije na Ukrajinu.
Kneissl je već emigrirala iz Austrije u Francusku 2022. godine.
U intervjuu za RTL tada je istaknula da njezin odlazak nije bio dobrovoljan i da je “bila prisiljena napustiti” Austriju zbog “efektivne zabrane rada” i velikog neprijateljstva.
Former Austrian Foreign Minister, who danced with Putin at her wedding, emigrates to Russia
Former Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl, known for publicly dancing with Russian President Vladimir Putin at her wedding in 2018, is emigrating to Russia to take over the leadership of a research center.
Kneissl served as Austria’s Foreign Minister from 2017 to 2019 but faced criticism afterward for her pro-Russian views. She is now assuming the role of the head of the Gorky Center, affiliated with St. Petersburg University, focusing on geopolitical analysis.
“I am a co-founder of the Gorky Center and am taking on the leadership role. Given the scope of work and the required commitment, I have decided to move to St. Petersburg to dedicate myself to this task,” she stated to TASS.
Kneissl noted that she has already received all the necessary documents, including a work visa, and has “relocated her life to an apartment in St. Petersburg.”
Reports suggest that the Kremlin has supported her move to Russia, even providing transport for her personal belongings on a Russian military aircraft, as reported by the Russian media outlet Insider.
Kneissl becomes one of the former European political figures who, in recent years, has embarked on a professional career in Russia.
In 2021, she accepted a position on the board of directors of the Russian oil giant Rosneft but resigned in May of last year following prolonged pressure due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Kneissl had already emigrated from Austria to France in 2022.
In an interview with RTL at the time, she emphasized that her departure was not voluntary and that she was “forced to leave” Austria due to an “effective work ban” and significant hostility.