Petak, 22 studenoga, 2024

Suđenje Trumpu prenosit će se na YouTubeu i televiziji

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Sudac Višeg suda okruga Fulton Scott McAfee rekao je da će dopustiti prijenos uživo na YouTubeu svih povezanih rasprava i suđenja koja proizlaze iz goleme, opsežne optužnice okružne tužiteljice Fannie Willis protiv bivšeg predsjednika Donalda Trumpa.

Prijenos uživo vodit će sud.

Bivši predsjednik izjasnio se nevinim u ovom slučaju. Trump se predao prošle nedjelje u zatvor okruga Fulton nakon što su on i još 18 ljudi optuženi za navodno sudjelovanje u “zločinačkom pothvatu” čiji je cilj bio poništiti njegov gubitak na predsjedničkim izborima u Georgiji 2020. Trump je optužen za 13 kaznenih djela.

Datum suđenja još nije određen.

Bit će to prvi put da će kamerama biti dopušteno snimanje cijelog suđenja u jednom od četiri kaznena postupka protiv Trumpa ove godine. Georgia dopušta kamere u sudnici sve dok ne ometaju postupak.

Brojnim fotografima dopušteno je ući u sudnicu na nekoliko minuta prije nego što je u travnju u New Yorku počelo saslušanje o opozivu Trumpa.

Kamere inače nisu dopuštene u sudnicama u New Yorku, ali su novinske kuće zatražile iznimku.

Kamere nisu dopuštene ni na federalnom sudu.

Trump je optužen u dva slučaja na federalnom sudu. Jedan se odnosi na njegovo rukovanje osjetljivim vladinim dokumentima nakon što je napustio dužnost, a drugi na navodni Trumpov pokušaj da zaustavi prijenos vlasti nakon predsjedničkih izbora 2020., javlja RTS.

ENG: The trial of Trump will be broadcast on YouTube and television.

Judge Scott McAfee of the Fulton County Superior Court has announced that he will allow live streaming on YouTube of all related discussions and trials arising from the extensive indictment by District Attorney Fannie Willis against former President Donald Trump.

The live broadcast will be overseen by the court.

The former president has pleaded not guilty in this case. Trump surrendered to the Fulton County jail last Sunday, along with 18 others, on charges of allegedly participating in a “criminal enterprise” aimed at overturning his loss in the 2020 Georgia presidential election. Trump faces 13 criminal charges.

The trial date has not been set yet.

This will be the first time that cameras will be allowed to record the entire trial in one of the four criminal cases against Trump this year. Georgia permits cameras in the courtroom as long as they do not disrupt proceedings.

Several photographers were allowed into the courtroom for a few minutes before the impeachment hearing against Trump began in New York in April.

Cameras are generally not allowed in New York courtrooms, but news organizations requested an exception.

Cameras are also not allowed in federal courts.

Trump faces two cases in federal court. One pertains to his handling of sensitive government documents after leaving office, and the other involves his alleged attempt to obstruct the transfer of power after the 2020 presidential election, as reported by RTS.

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