Petak, 3 svibnja, 2024

POPE FRANCIS DISSATISFIED: It is a shame that RTV Herzeg-Bosnia has more live broadcasts of Holy Mass than us…

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Pope Francis had a series of criticisms of the Vatican RTV program at a regular Saturday coffee with the media in that neighboring peninsula.

Advertising is too much, too many shows that do not penetrate the spiritual essence of our faith, and there is too little live broadcast of Holy Mass. Isn’t it worrying that RTV Herzeg-Bosnia is taking more statements from priests, clergy, and cardinals this week alone than RTV Vatican in the last few months? What are we? The commercial TV station or the official media of the Holy See asked the Pope.

To this, the TV journalists replied that it is easy for HBTV because they have the audience:

“People there don’t do anything but go to Mass, then they go home and watch themselves on Mass footage, and it’s their fetish, or they go to Mass that is broadcast live to be on TV. Do you understand? They are a strange people; they still believe that Our Lady appeared in Medjugorje 50,000 times”.

Medjugorje? – The Pope asked

Yes, Medjugorje, Our Lady of Medjugorje, apparitions, seers, do you remember?

Oh dear God, forgive them because they do not know what they are doing – the Pope added. And he grabbed his head.

* The next meeting of media workers in the Vatican with the Pope has been announced for the first Saturday of next month.

the text is an activist intervention l
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  1. Zašto papa govori da je 50 tisuća ukazanja puno, kad je to manje od 60tisuća aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?
    To vas ja pitam. To.


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