Petak, 18 listopada, 2024

WHAT A SHAMEFUL NATION WE ARE: Schmidt praises our leadership at the UN, and we are not ashamed


Imagine Šljivančani (JNA/Milosevic’s war criminal) praising the Croats of Vukovar in 1991 in Belgrade. How decent and quiet they are as they peacefully march toward Ovčara. Or not. How he praises the supervisor, a Croat, to whom he entrusted the task of ensuring the safe arrival of that column to Ovčara.

Imagine Ratko Mladić enthusiastically speaking about the Bosniaks in Srebrenica, how polite they are, how they listen, how there is nothing to add or subtract. Or not. How he praises a specific Bosniak, a supervisor, to whom he entrusted the task of safely bringing the Bosniaks to Potočari.

Imagine Selmo Cikotić (Alija Izetbegovic’s general from Bugojno) sending words of praise only about the detainees in the Iskra camp. How they don’t make noise while welding them with pliers. Or not. How he is satisfied with a certain Croat. How well he manages the detainees in his name. And ever since he appointed him, the detained residents of Bugojno do not cause problems and watch calmly as graves are being dug for them, sending no azans or cries, especially not irritating ones, those that would irritate the defensive anti-fascist forces of Šerif Patković, Osama Bin Laden, and Abu Meali. So, God forbid, someone’s head could fly from their shoulders, or a heart could jump out of their chests before they could lay them alive in a grave. They would have to bury them dead.

What would you think about such findings and such Croatian fifth columnists who would convince the people and brothers of the importance of staying calm before the final slaughter?

And now let’s return to reality.

  1. The camp is called Monty Dayton.
  2. The camp’s administrator is a German louse, a paperless louse, German-Ustasha political trash named Christian Schmidt.
  3. The detainees who were tortured by his predecessors in that camp and deprived of what little rights they had as detainees are called Croats of Herzegovina. The most illustrious part of the Croatian people globally. The part of Croatia that lived freely for another 4 centuries and resisted conquerors while Zagreb’s nobility was learning the first Hungarianisms, trying to please the conqueror.

The representative of Andrej Plenković, his personal political lapdog Mate Granić, has nothing but praise for the UN regarding the camp’s head for Croats in BiH.

Šimonović, his envoy, was instructed yesterday to read the entire lyrics  about that tyrant Schmidt. How he is a visionary louse, how he did a good job, how the damned Zagreb believes that the Soil of Nazism has finally sent a mentally sane man to the Soil of Jihad, who makes only brilliant moves. Not even Ivo Andrić was forced to read such crap about Hitler during his tenure. Šimonović had to read that shit yesterday.

Instead of being a nightmare for the Germans in BiH, the Croats, who should be arrested for sabotage and democratic pressure, for protests and demonstrations, for demolishing the Occupier’s property, for trying to liberate the country and expel the tyrant from our land, instead of blocking the streets and borders, instead of leading the destruction of the colonial scum from the OHR, the colonial jihad from the Unconstitutional Court, and ultimately, instead of being the pioneers against this evil, against the continued existence of the OHR camp, a camp for Serbs and Croats where Hamas and Al Qaeda would slap us, instead of our Croatian tribe finally being where it belongs – in the first trench and on the first front in the war against the Colonists from the OHR.

Instead of all that, to our shame, Christian Schmidt is praised almost like Jesus Christ by Croatian mouths, and he himself praised Borjana Krišto – a person who, according to the original rules of the camp, (The Dayton Rules) should have been the representative of Croatian detainees in the Presidency, but was prevented from taking that position due to the law imposed by the OHR!

Due to the violence of the same OHR, which decided that Al Qaeda would choose one president, and Hamas another in the FBiH. While the Croats won’t have one of their own.

So today, in the UN, instead of her, a comrade of Al Qaeda, Željko Komšić, spoke.

A frequent chat friend with Plenković at international gatherings, a man whom Patković voted for and who, in the UN, reading a jihad document, complained about his friend Plenkoglu that  Plenkoglu wants to change the Election Law in such a way that jihad can no longer impose Komšić on a Croats, but that he will impose his own Plenkoglu man on the Croats of the Federation. Just as he imposed a complete political narrative on them, alienating them from the “evil” Dodik. The man who defended the  Pelješac Bridge from the jihadists.

Even though there is Borjana Who Is Not Here, Borjana the Silent lady, or Damn Say Something Borjana, she has by far the strongest mandate to become the pioneer against the OHR regime, there is no person who has praised NATO tanks and the European practice of suppressing our people’s spirit more than her. And then we read how the OHR regime praises her.

The tyrant praises his silent and silent servant.

So how did she plan to serve our people when we appointed her as president? By unquestionably doing everything that other nations and corporations impose on her?

Tell us, Borjana, for God’s sake!

So, where is the small prayer community in all of this, these hushed and kneeling ones, these political acolytes over whom the Franciscan regime has become fierce and unyielding?
So where is this thing that in jest is called “Fundamental People, Leading People, BLOODY CROAT PEOPLE”?

Our “people” will dismiss all of this at once. While waiting in the betting shop or waiting for an apparition in Međugorje. A bewildered people convinced that the Lady descends 60,000 times and that whoever doubts that is mad and not a Croat or a Catholic. And he needs to be walled up immediately. In the church in Grude. Or sent for observation in the Province. The Franciscan one.

To him, that people of Hrvoje and Kosača, the people of illustrious ancestors and shameful descendants, all this seems to have become disgusting. Is he above it?


The “people” are on TikTok, googling “rims” and “Candles for the All Saints,” engaging in deep, fanatical immersion in the culture of death within the temples of a religion that, according to its New Testament, emerged from the temples and catacombs under the bright sun, a religion that does not fanatically celebrate death but is focused on life and celebrates life because our God has conquered death.

Yet, day by day, this people is being molded by those propagandistic,  anti-Christ altars, glorifying death instead of life, scaring us with death and disgust for life, promoting obedience, slavery, inaction. And they condemn any reasonable question. Nurturing the slavery of consciousness. Everything contrary to the gift of the Holy Spirit. Everything contrary to the New Testament. And all thanks to the Franciscan ideology. Anti-Catholic and anti-Christian. Cloaked in sacrificial rituals, death cults, the culture of the graveyard, tragedy, and martyrdom.

All thanks to that Beloved Tito sect, the one that voluntarily offered itself to Tito before the bodies of the brothers he killed in Siroki and Mostar, rotted, the one that the Dragan Nemanjić, a serbian king, brought to Bosnia in 1292. The sect that UDBA had good reason to count on. Like the author of Načertanije, Garašanin, too.

A sect that hides the truth about itself, like a snake hiding its legs. A sect that forces you not to know anything and to just stand in line when they point at the target.

In some way, you need to understand Borjana Krišto. She and her party know very well what kind of people they are dealing with, to whom they pay an annual tax for deconstructing the nation, for keeping us as “little Hrvatinići” in the state of political amoebas, for turning the Hrvoje’s and Kosača’s kin into prayerful fools in a special way.

All in all, Borjanka is a dear Franciscan, she knows that the Croats will not take to the streets, rebel, or pressure the people to change the political course from servile to insurgent until the people are no longer a people but a community, until the people are “tame and the land is acidic,” as the late Fra Marinko Leko described it so nicely, may God grant him a peaceful place in heaven.

In any case, those donations have been expensive, all those empty museums for the Franciscans, museums where our dried skins will be displayed, ours and those of our ancestors, and descendants, after our good brothers from Kaptol and Gradec completely sell us off in some new discount sale ordered by Vienna or Brussels, it doesn’t matter.

Borjanka is the Bojanka. Boja = color. Borjanaka – the one with the colors. The one you can paint however you want. The one who seems green to every occupier.

The text from agencies:

Although so far it has been the practice for Schmidt to address the Council, this time it will be done by the Chairman of the Presidency of BiH, Željko Komšić.

Disputed Sovereignty
It was noted that the High Representative and the Constitutional Court of BiH are particularly targeted from RS. The goal is to undermine their ability to preserve the Dayton Peace Agreement and the constitutional and legal order of BiH. In addition to not recognizing the authority of the Court and not respecting its final and binding decisions, the Court’s ability to function properly is jeopardized due to the failure of the House of Representatives of the Federation of BiH and the National Assembly of the RS. The Assembly will appoint replacements for two vacant positions in the Constitutional Court of BiH. These vacant positions have put the Court in a position where the Grand Council cannot make decisions because it has only four members, as stated in the report.

By this behavior, Dodik, it is added, artificially and intentionally created two political crises within six months, interrupted by an offer to “de-escalate” the tensions he created himself.

He also referred to the addresses of Željko Komšić in the United Nations General Assembly, as well as the speech of Željka Cvijanović in the United Nations Security Council. Cvijanović challenged Schmidt’s mandate, while Komšić, in addition to Schmidt’s actions, criticized Croatia’s attitude towards BiH.

Three-Member Body
“Structural weaknesses in decision-making tend to impede or blur Bosnia and Herzegovina’s binding positions in international bodies. Foreign policy is the responsibility of the Presidency of BiH, but achieving consensus or a majority in the field of foreign affairs within this three-member body is sometimes impossible. Therefore, statements by Bosnia and Herzegovina in international organizations sometimes only reflect the position of one of the three members of the Presidency, as happened, for example, with the address of Željka Cvijanović, then-chair of the Presidency, to the United Nations Security Council on May 10, 2023, or with the address of Željko Komšić, Chair of the Presidency, to the United Nations General Assembly on September 20,” Schmidt said in the report.

He also referred to his measures when forming the Government of the Federation of BiH, stating that he did so because the existing Constitution of the Federation of BiH did not offer a solution if the president and vice-presidents did not agree.

Praises for the Tripartite Presidency
The High Representative praised the Chair of the Council of Ministers of BiH, Borjana Krišto, saying that in her work, she has shown dedication, determination, and efficiency in advancing towards EU integration and fulfilling the outstanding requests from the European Commission.

In addition to Krišto, Schmidt had words of praise for the tripartite presidency, which consists of the SDP, NiP, and Naša Stranka parties.

“The promise of greater functionality is now also being questioned due to the blockage of legislative activity at the state level by the ruling party in the RS. Instead of a clear commitment to reforms, especially in the context of EU integration, RS President Milorad Dodik often limits negotiations to tactical concessions. Partners from the tripartite within the ruling coalition are trying to manage this delicate situation with a very dedicated approach to EU integration,” Schmidt noted.

Regarding the “Kovačević” judgment of the European Court of Human Rights, he stated that if confirmed, it could further divide political parties.

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