Nedjelja, 5 svibnja, 2024

in the Cinema Meeting Point in Sarajevo

“REGENERATION” of BiH society – Yes we can, but how? Everyone in this war has been wounded and those wounds must be acknowledged and...

A question is crystallized, which unites everyone, above and beyond all narratives about the past, and that is: When and how will those that have survived the war, stop monopolizing the discourse and focus to the point where they...
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Imaju li zastupnici BH Hrvata (HDZBIH) u RH Saboru problem s Penavinim “NE SA SRBIMA” Plenkoviću?

Srbi u BIH u nekoliko su navrata spašavali poziciju HDZ-a u BIH. Taj isti HDZ BIH donosi stabilnu i...
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